Social Media: The New Soul Food

Are you having difficulty understanding social media and its benefits? Social media can be complicated for those who are not exactly tech savvy.

The core of social media is to bring awareness for your product or service. You can have the best product or service, but if people cannot find you on the web, you essentially do not exist. Therefore, think of visibility as an opportunity to help answer others problems. Internet users who are looking to solve their problems turn to the internet. What can you do to market your brand and gain the mass support for your business?

First, your business needs to start a blog to lay the foundation of your expertise and bring value to people who read it. This will provide online presence while connecting you to your prospective customers. In the blog it is important to give your audience a chance to know you, be personable. The audience wants to make a purchase from someone they trust and brings value to them. This is why you have to make sure the content you use in the blog is valuable to get to the pain of the consumer.

In addition, when you blog consistently, it is crucial to use keywords that reach the target audience. When consumers do a keyword search in the most used search engines, your blog will have a chance of showing up in the top searches. In order to reach your target audiences publish your posts relating to the topic your promoting. For example, if you have a new book coming out, it is important to use your blog to talk about excerpts about the launch date, book signings and events. Then use these posts and link them to Facebook.

If you have a business, you must start a fan page on Facebook. Why? The content you post will get indexed in the most used search engines. If you believe you do not have time to constantly update your fan page with new content, I have a solution for you. You can syndicate your blog content to your fan page using the Notes application. This will pull content from your blog and add it to your fan page, which can potentially bring back consumers to your blog.

When you have a fan page you must use it as a tool to build relationships. In order to build relationships, you can interact with your target audience by posting comments and answering their questions on Facebook. Don't forget, the more active you are on your page, the more visible it is.

Another important network for visibility is Twitter. Think of Twitter as a news feed, a micro blogging platform you can use to bring back prospects to your blog. This makes it crucial for your content to show up when your potential client is doing a search, because the content may show up in the top search results. In addition, it is important you spend time responding, replying and sharing resources to your followers so you can gain credibility for your business. Earn trust from your clients by using social media and the platforms it offers.

About Sweta Patel, CEO, Social Media Eatery

I love creativity and anything that involves people and ideas. I have a passion for marketing and advertising. I'm passionate about turning strangers into interested customers. About turning the uninspired into the ambitious. About making passive people totally engaged through interaction. This can be possible by engaging people with a strategic plan that will help build a foundation for your business. By building community around principles that will enhance the business. And by empowering customers to share and remix elements of your message until they become supporters and proponents for your brand instead of watching your advertising. Contact me, if you think I can help you too. I'm sure I can! I look forward to meeting you.

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