SnapWorkSocial Announces SnapTeam for SharePoint 2010 and Office 365

Releases Free New Social Productivity Solution to Bring Business Value to Team Collaboration

SnapWorkSocial, a category creator in social productivity solutions for on-premises, cloud-based, and Office 365 SharePoint environments, today announced SnapTeam, a free team-based social computing tool which enables organizations to immediately receive value from social in SharePoint.

SnapTeam augments the standard social features companies come to expect, combining microblogging, team feeds, rich user profiles, and tagging with cutting edge productivity features, such as bookmarks, metadata and rating integration, and a unique task-setting capability. With SnapTeam, teams are able to instantly realize productivity from their social activities.

"We believe that there is a gap between the current social tools and what organizations require to truly embrace these new technologies, and to drive business productivity," stated company founder and chief product architect Mike Watson. "Social without purpose is just chat, and so we've developed a unique and powerful toolset to help people connect, solve problems, and get more productivity out of SharePoint."

SnapWorkSocial was launched on the premise of strengthening productivity, and of extending the social fabric around SharePoint, whether on-premises or in the cloud. During the keynote address at Microsoft's SharePoint Conference, which took place at the Anaheim Convention Center in California October 3rd-6th 2011, Microsoft leaders called out both "productivity" and "social fabric" as two key focus areas for SharePoint moving forward. SnapWorkSocial advances this vision with SnapTeam.

Chris Riley, Product Manager and Evangelist for technology partner CloudShare, commented on the need for social productivity solutions, stating, "Project teams need tools that better match the way that they naturally work, instead of forcing them to change work habits to fit within the limits of the technology. Most see the inherent value in social computing, but struggle to justify these tools to management. There is a disconnection between these tools and demonstrable business value."

Later in the year, SnapWorkSocial plans to release their full product suite, SnapTeamPro, which will include additional features including My Site integration and cross-site capabilities. In addition, SnapWorkSocial will provide an online app store for extending the Pro toolset, and will provide customization services for companies seeking to extend SnapTeam as part of their broader social computing strategy.

"Social networking tools are extremely useful in business for internal collaboration and knowledge transfer, but the hard part is putting social conversation in context to specific work activities" said Geoff Varosky, Senior SharePoint Consultant at Jornata. "SnapTeam is a solution that connects social to content, and content to tasks, making it truly the first social productivity toolset for SharePoint and Office365."

SnapTeam is currently in limited beta, but will be generally available next month. Those interested is downloading the tool can sign up for the trial at

About SnapWorkSocial


Redmond, WA
