Smokers Are Harbouring A New Disease, Alternative Actions Must Be Taken
Online, March 21, 2011 ( - Most smokers who smoke at least one cigarette a day are more prone to getting emphysema than people who are smoke free. Controversy has developed because emphysema is not only lurking in smokers lungs but also non smokers lungs as well.
Many non smokers also have a chance to get emphysema due to being exposed to second hand smoke. For these reasons, Solar Cigarette has reached out to smokers across the world in an attempt to help them quit the habit for good using their E Cigarette.
With the smoking bans that have been passed, smokers are now having to find a designated smoking section to get their fix but this is causing controversy among many non smokers.
Non smokers who pass by the designated smoking sections are still being exposed to second hand smoke which is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and emphysema. A new alternative to smoking is right around the corner which will satisfy both smokers and non smokers.
Read the whole story on how emphysema is a hidden danger to all smokers and non smokers =======
"A new study was performed that researched a number of smokers who smoke a tobacco cigarette at least once a day. What this research found was staggering. Many of these smokers were in good healthy condition but all smokers who participated in this study had symptoms of emphysema which none of the smokers were aware of."
"We all know of the dangers of smoking cigarettes such as lung cancer but many smokers fail to realize that emphysema is becoming more of a deadly threat to many smokers world wide. The problem is, most smokers find out they have emphysema when it is too late and the damage has already been done."
Read The Story On How Solar Cigarette Provides A Safer Alternative To Smoking Without Risk Of Emphysema:
"Outwardly-healthy smokers could be harbouring a disease, new research has found. A new approach to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has discovered that many smokers have emphysema, a chronic lung disease, without displaying the symptoms. MRI is generally seen as safer than computed tomography (CT) due to the radiation involved and the new technique improves MRI resolution, picking up diseases at an earlier stage."
"With this technology, we have shown that it is possible to measure the severity of emphysema and its progression through time without the radiation exposure of lung CT tests," said Dr Sean Fain, lead author of the study, in the journal Radiology. Emphysema is a disease common in smokers, damaging airsacs in the lungs, causing cavities and inhibiting breathing ability."
"Though it also occurs in non-smokers, the researchers said that the study showed that there were "significant abnormalities" in regular, long-term smokers. Dr Fain added that smoking caused emphysema-like changes to occur at twice the rate that would be expected due to normal ageing processes."
"The ability to discover incidences of the disease at an earlier stage came through the use of "hyperpolarized" helium in subjects put through MRI and CT scanners, allowing much greater resolution of the lungs. Thanks to this clearer picture, Dr Fain believes that it will help develop a greater understanding of lung diseases and lead to better treatment"
Read the rest of the story at
The problem with smoking cigarettes is that there is no way to see how much damage the smoker is doing to their body until it is too late. Many smokers who have smoked at least one cigarette a day are slowly limiting their lifespan and future health issues are right around the corner.
Another problem with smoking in public is the risk of second hand smoke. Studies have concluded that second hand smoke is now labeled as a Class A Carcinogen which can be deadly for non smokers as well.
With the rising issue of second hand smoke, Solar Cigarette has introduced a smokeless cigarette that uses water vapor to deliver the nicotine to the smoker which in turn provides a healthier way of smoking not only for the smoker but also provides no second hand smoke to non smokers as well.
The head of Solar Cigarette states that these smoking bans are not going to be lifted in the future. The smoking ban laws are in place to protect non smokers from any type of exposure to second hand smoke. If smokers don't find another alternative to smoking they will be fined one way or another.
The Solar Cigarette can and will help smokers quit the habit for good but also give smokers the freedom to smoke in public places without having to pass down second hand smoke to non smokers.
The head of Solar Cigarette is currently offering a 14 day trial of the smokeless cigarette to give smokers that added edge to help them quit the habit.
Now smokers can smoke anywhere they please and avoid fines from the public smoking ban laws. With the use of the Solar Cigarette 14 trial and the vitamin packs, smokers can live a rejuvenated life clean and free of tobacco.
For more information on this amazing new alternative to smoking visit: