Smarte innovates 'bespoke contacts 1.2', with new improved features like never before

SMARTe's Bespoke contacts 1.2 has upgrade with improved features for users level through a self-service model, accessing data anytime-anywhere on cloud.

The new features are introduced to help users for their smooth functioning of product usage. With this strategic launch of ‘bespoke contacts 1.2’, Smarte’s customers can now further streamline and reduce the complexity of their critical data management through a self-service model, accessing data anytime-anywhere on cloud, resulting in higher productivity and greater insights into the required information.

Dependency on the project owner is no more a hurdle for other group members. Email like feel to your message board, etc. now can be availed through the bespoke contacts portal. The list of new features is impressive and they are backed by core performance enhancements that contribute to a remarkably enhanced feel.

We're pleased to announce this latest significant user-requested upgrades and updates to our bespoke software. Bespoke users are invited to use the free 1.2 update and assure that company will continue to work on various user availability features and keep our software up-to-date with the latest technology helping users achieve their respective goals!

Sanjay Gala, Founder & CEO

Bespoke contacts 1.2 highlights

Past account history access - This allows users to access historical account details of past one year. Apart from viewing project brief and message board of past projects, users can also download ‘final file delivery’ via ‘excel’ icon.

Project brief auto save - This will provide auto save feature for project brief. If a user is inactive for a long time (or has not saved their brief), system will auto save the project brief with predefined name and user will be able to view it in the brief listing

Collaborative group management - This feature will remove dependency on project owner as group members will have access to project related information and rights. The ‘Account’ related information and rights which will be with the account admin only

Message board enhancements - The existing message board will provide email like conversation tracking features to enable seamless communication

Dictionary mechanism for level/functions - It provides intelligent dictionary mechanism to search & navigate vast available level/function options within the bespoke contacts model

About SMARTe:

Smarte Inc. helps increasing your marketing effectiveness and is emerging as one of the fastest growing provider of contact database, sales and marketing intelligence, prospect research and ranking. Company combine the next generation contextual search technology with in-depth domain expertise and logical methodologies. Smarte solutions ensures that marketing and sales teams work in sync – marketing executing successful programs and feeding qualified leads into the pipeline; sales hitting with the right value proposition to the right prospects, thus putting more efforts in closing deals rather than pondering whom to target. Visit

About SMARTe Inc

SMARTe works with customers as a partner in identifying the above pain areas and designing the best possible solution. concept of "demand generation" with its cutting-edge technology, search algorithms in-depth Sales and Marketing domain expertise.