Skemaz™ Harnesses Microsoft's Power BI to Deliver Dynamic Retail Audit Dashboard Reporting

Disruptive BI dashboard technology delivering Dynamic, drag and drop easy to use retail audit dashboards. Creating an affordable necessity in order for companies to remain competitive.

Skemaz™ today unveiled their “Power BI Retail Audit Dashboard Reporting” tool as the latest addition to their Microsoft Azure hosted Retail Merchandising “Software in a Browser” and Mobile Merchandising App

Integrating Microsoft Power BI Dashboards into their retail audit and merchandising reporting service brings the latest fool-proof, fluid and flexible means of viewing and analyzing brand execution and sales performance metrics to their customers.

"This type of Innovation enables Manufacturers to identify under-performing situations and instantly adapt retail execution and brand promotion initiatives on the go which will drive sales, reduce costs and deliver financial benefits across the board."

Peter Banfield, FMCG Innovation Consultant to FMCG Brands globally.

Innovation to Empower the FMCG Manufacturing Industry

The Power, Control and Value that these Retail Audit Dashboard Reports delivers to customers is something that has not previously been available to FMCG’s or Merchandising Services Organization.

“This type of Innovation enables Manufacturers to identify under-performing situations and instantly adapt retail execution and brand promotion initiatives on the go which will drive sales, reduce costs and deliver financial benefits across the board.” remarked Peter Banfield, FMCG Innovation Consultant to FMCG Brands globally.

Disrupting the Retail Industry

This is a major Disruption to an Industry where the majority of players are still entrenched in legacy cultures, processes and technology and still rely on late or paper based reporting.

“By harnessing Power BI reporting technology, Skemaz now makes Online, Real time and Easily Shared Retail Audit Dashboard reports an affordable necessity for companies that want to adapt and adopt to remain competitive.” stated Mark Runge, CEO of Skemaz P/L.

Live Retail Audit Business Intelligence

“Using the most modern BI dashboard technology available, we are now able to integrate external data sources to deliver unified retail reporting to each of our customers. Additionally, customers can instantly alter any report to reflect the information they want to view live on the go – no more waiting” said Runge.

“This has been the missing piece of the current retail audit reporting puzzle and we’re delighted at the way that our latest service has been received”.

For more information about our retail audit dashboards or to contact us please visit

About skemaz

Skemaz™ is a software as a service development company that provides retail merchandising and auditing reporting, a mobile merchandising app and merchandising software as a service to CPG companies, MSO's, Food Brokers and Retailers.

1966 NE 123 Street , # 2301410
Miami, Florida
