Sixteen-Year Old Offers Support For Children Of Divorce

Junior in High School, recently started a blog, "From a Teen/Child Perspective" to support children whose parents are going through a separation or divorce.

Cole Sogge, a Junior in High School, recently started a blog, "From a Teen/Child Perspective" to support children whose parents are going through a separation or divorce. The blog is hosted by Co-Parent Successfully, a website whose mission is to help separated or divorce parents put their issues aside and focus on what is best for their children. Cole Sogge, not only writes from his own personal experience as a child of divorced parents, but also shares the thoughts and feelings of many of his friends. This highly insightful blog provides support for older children and helps them to realize they are not alone.

According to Sogge, "Many of my friends struggle as they truly believe they are the reason their parents are divorced today."

Cole urges separated and divorced parents to sit down and talk to their children about divorce.

Cole Sogge also just released a video on YouTube ( with a heartfelt message from several different children asking parents who have decided to separate or get divorced to follow a few key ground rules and keep what is most important in mind - the children.

About the Blogger:
Growing up Cole Sogge's parents got divorced when he was eight years old. He is now 16 years old and has benefited from the stability and support his parents have provided by co-parenting successfully. Today, he is helping other kids by sharing his stories and answering questions in the Co-Parent Successfully Kids/Teen Blog. Cole participates in football, wrestling and track during the school year. In the summer, he races Legend race cars at a local dirt track near his hometown.

Cole Sogge, is the son of Kari Peterson, author of "Co-Parent Successfully: A Guide to Raising Children in Two Different Houses". This quick-start guide (available through Amazon as a Kindle eBook) provides parents with the tools and resources required for a collaborative divorce.

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About Co-Parent

Fargo, ND
