Siren Assassins Take The Stage in Hollywood

Multimedia dance show brings originality and leaves Los Angeles crowd more than satisfied

Los Angeles: CA-March 18th, 2009-The Siren Assassins made their mark in Hollywood this past Wednesday with a flood of anticipating fans, industry heads, prominent dancers, choreographers and quiet celebrities who all came out to support the show.

As Christina Aguilera watched and rocked from balcony view, Pink digested the performance front and center stage, while others like Laurie Ann Gibson, Beach Girl5 and Lil Mama also enjoyed at close view, noting the production was "smooth and exciting". Pink tweeted " Wen2 see Siren Assassins 2nite. Big dance extravaganza.Those girls+boys MURDERED it. The whole dam thing. Made me wanna take my clothes off n dance."

Director and choreographer, Rhapsody James, took the multimedia dance show to another level, implanting forms of martial arts, acts of woman power, multiple dance style collaborations, and fierceness that induced constant cheering across the building throughout the entire show. Upon completion, the production brought everyone to their feet and tears to the director's face. There was no flaw in performance as every scene and dance move was intricately delivered. As a definite crowd pleasing production, many hope for the show's return in Los Angeles.

This was the show's debut performance on the West Coast, originally coming from it's base in New York.

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