Simplifying Interactions Among Electricity Stakeholders

cyberGRID puts to use Austrian demonstration outcomes at the FLEXICIENCY final event

Austrian energy tech company cyberGRID assumed a pivotal role in the successful demonstration of aggregated flexibility through simulations, as well as in testing interoperability features in the recently completed FLEXICIENCY project.

On Jan. 30, 2019, the FLEXICIENCY EU-funded project held its final event in Brussels. In the four-year implementation period, the FLEXICIENCY consortium led the deployment of novel services in the electricity retail markets through a European Market Place for standardised interactions among electricity stakeholders, simultaneously opening the energy market to new players at EU level. For this purpose, 18 partners from 10 different European countries joined forces to carefully design and implement the demonstrations and develop the project platforms.

cyberGRID took part in the Austrian demonstration which focused on the aggregation of Demand Response and Distributed Generation flexibilities based on the metering data from customer sites in collaboration with VERBUND Solutions GmbH. The objective was to emulate a pan-European aggregator with a flexibility pool that can be utilised by Commercial and Industrial (C&I) consumers. Together with two external stakeholders, twingz and HomePulse, cyberGRID subscribed to data services offered by VERBUND on the European Market Place in order to provide advanced information to residential home and PV system owners.

For the Austrian demonstration it was additionally foreseen to implement and execute a cross-border use case with another demonstration. In this context, the Austrian demonstration tested the interoperability with two other demonstrations (Italy and Spain) through the Flexibility Forecasting service. For this purpose, cyberGRID subscribed to data provision services and received energy asset data from various Points of Delivery (PODs). Upon receipt of the POD metering data, cyberGRID’s Flexibility Platform calculated the forecasting data based on the historic metering data differentiating between weekdays, weekends and holidays. Furthermore, it ensured corrections of the forecasting data on regular basis to greatly improve the flexibility forecasting results due to e.g. weather changes. cyberGRID then provided a Flexibility Forecasting Service offer on the European Market Place, which is accessible to other Service Platforms like ENEL (Italy) and Endesa Energía (Spain) in this demonstration and can be subscribed in order to receive the forecasting data.

“With the plethora of energy related services from across Europe available now on the European Market place, the user can now simplify interactions between relevant stakeholders in an open and standardised way and encourage cross-border and cross-player access to innovative energy services. With standardised B2B interfaces available on the EU Market place for those innovative energy services, B2B partners can now easily connect, start working with the service and exploit the services’ potential”, Andraž Andolšek, cyberGRID’s Project Manager explains.

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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Andraž Andolšek, Project Manager at cyberGRID: Email at

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The FLEXICIENCY project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 646482.

Source: cyberGRID

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