Simple, Honest Publisher for Women of Color

VenusHouse Publishers makes the publishing process simple and honest so everyone involved can understand.

VenusHouse Publishers offers publishing services to Black women writers.

This niche publisher will edit your work, supply the cover art, distribute your book, and market it.

They do all of this without the BS: "Lieing, cheating, and stealing from my artists is not only unprofessional and immoral, it's confusing. I can't keep up with a lie," says founder, Paula Montgomery.

VenusHouse Publishers works with you, as long as you're producing work for their target audience (Black women) that meets the expectations of creativity(is this a common issue presented in a fresh way?), marketability (is this something Black women want to read?) and have the desire and drive to get published.

"We get submissions from artists that don't reply to follow-up emails," recalls Montgomery, "I can't run a business like that and an artist can't get, honestly, published that way either. I like communication when necessary. It's necessary that you get back to me!"

There's no charge for submissions, no charge for publishing, or distributing your book. You are paid royalties of your book sales on a quarterly basis.

VenusHouse Publishers plans on building a reputation of honesty, communication, and a simple publishing process EVERYONE involved can follow.

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