Signals United Returns from Successful Quarterly Conference

Every quarter, a team of experts from Signals United attends a leadership conference. According to Stanley, the firm's director of operations, the most recent of these was a huge success.

The marketing and consulting services firm likes to leverage networking and informational events to drive business development. Stanley stated that these industry-wide conferences are great ways to gather new ideas, generate leads, and learn about upcoming opportunities. He indicated that this particular conference was a big success for him and his team.

 “I couldn’t be happier with the results of this conference,” he exclaimed. “We went in with a carefully defined plan, executed it perfectly, and came away with a lot of new leads. Also, my team met some of the most influential personalities in our industry. Those connections will definitely be very valuable.”

"I think a lot of people forget that a conference can be used to recognize top performers,"

Stanley W., Director of Operations

He indicated that, despite their focused efforts, the team did not have a specific agenda for the conference. According to Stanley, their main goal was to meet people and see what they could do to help them. Rather than focusing on sales or otherwise benefitting their company, his group focused on getting to know others. This sincerity resulted in strong new relationships.

“One of the tricks to networking is to identify what people need, even when they don’t know it yet,” Stanley continued. “If you can get really good at benefitting others by making introductions, for instance, you will ultimately build a strong network that will pay off many times over.”

“Of course, it is essential to make sure you are connecting the right people,” he added. Stanley likes to use the double opt-in system, making sure that both parties want to be introduced to each other before making the connection.

Signals United’s Director Highlights Successes of the Conference


Stanley also highlighted some of the achievements he and his team had at the conference, stating that they returned to the office full of fresh knowledge. “We attended a number of really interesting sessions and workshops,” he said. “I definitely learned a lot, and I’m glad that my team members got a chance to hear some of the latest and greatest ideas in our field.”

He also pointed out that the conference served as a way to reward his team for their hard work. “I think a lot of people forget that a conference can be used to recognize top performers,” he concluded. “Our delegates had a great time, and I’m so glad we got to enjoy this event together.”