Showcase LA Events, Inc's Team Training for Customer Service

Through an aggressive and innovative team training approach, the leaders at Showcase LA Events, Inc are enhancing customer service among their associates. The firm's director of operations also shared some customer care tips.

“Taking care of customers is one of the primary reasons that our firm has become so successful,” offered Ashley, the director of operations at Showcase LA Events, Inc. “We’re always looking for ways to sharpen our approach when it comes to engaging customers, and we’ve recently begun team training sessions that improve communication among our associates and offer a range of other benefits.”

Training in groups has brought the firm’s associates closer together in much the same way that other team-building activities such as volunteer work or shared travel experiences have. “It wasn’t totally unexpected that the training sessions would have the effect of strengthening the bonds between our team members, but it’s still awfully nice to know,” added the director.

"There's nothing like a real smile to make someone feel at home right away."

Ashley S., Director of Operations

“These team-focused trainings have also allowed us to identify associates with the most leadership potential,” Ashley continued. “It’s been great watching certain individuals step up and guide the sessions, and I can’t wait to watch these natural leaders continue to grow and evolve. Not only are their customer service skills becoming stronger than ever, they’re learning how to take increased responsibility and really put their names to the work they do.”

The firm’s leaders have also arranged for monthly team training sessions in order to keep this positive momentum going. Future sessions will focus on a range of topics including time management, communication skills, and tips for effective organization.

Showcase LA Events, Inc’s Director Provides Guidelines for Excellent Customer Service

“There are so many ways to make a customer’s experience memorable and positive,” said Ashley. “At Showcase LA Events, Inc, we tend to emphasize some of the basics. I believe that the tried-and-true methods for making customers feel comfortable and appreciated are the best ones.”

A warm, genuine smile is the director’s first piece of advice to anyone who wants to make a good impression on customers. As she put it, “There’s nothing like a real smile to make someone feel at home right away. I always remind my team members to flash a quick but genuine smile whenever they encounter a new customer. It can’t be forced; people can spot a faked smile and they just come off as rude.”

Ashley also instructs her associates to avoid telling customers that they don’t know the answers to questions. “The only time it’s okay to say I don’t know’ is if you follow it immediately with but I can find out for you’ and set about getting a definitive answer,” she said. “This shows the customer that you aren’t being dismissive and that you care enough to track down the answer he or she needs.”