Short Film About Eating Disorders Wins Art With Impact's June 2017 Mental Health Film Competition

Short film by featured poet and advocate is the 36th short film to enter Art With Impact's mental health film collection

Art With Impact (AWI) is excited to congratulate Abby Thompson and Blythe Baird for their film 'When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny,’ which is the June 2017 winner, and 36th addition to AWI's OLIVE Film Collection. The film powerfully addresses the topic of eating disorders, specifically by combating the public perception that the illness is only acknowledged as unhealthy if the individual is thin to begin with, whereas larger women struggling with eating disorders are applauded for their efforts to lose weight regardless of the cost on their health.

Blythe is an author, spoken word poet, and actress whose work has been featured by The Huffington Post, EverydayFeminism, A-Plus, Write Bloody, Button Poetry, Mic, Bustle, & more. Her poem, written about her own experience with an eating disorder, is entitled, 'When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny,' and was adapted to film by the film's Director, Abby Thompson. Abby is a content creator, filmmaker and storyteller who aims to capture unique and important stories about the human experience. Art With Impact is thrilled to add this film to their collection to raise awareness of this often-misunderstood topic. 

"If you develop an eating disorder when you are already thin to begin with, you go to the hospital. If you develop an eating disorder when you are not thin to begin with, you are a success story."

Blythe Baird, Writer, 'When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny'

Are you a filmmaker or mental health advocate with a passion for storytelling? Our film competition deadlines run monthly, and upcoming opportunities to submit are June 30 and July 31. All winning films receive a $1,000 cash prize. Learn more here


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