Shining a Light on Kleine Levin Syndrome in Times Square

KLS Times Sq

Yesterday, February 28, was Global Rare Disease Day, a day to raise awareness for the over 300 million people living with a rare disease worldwide. The KLS Foundation wanted to go as big as possible to support this day and spread awareness to the world about Kleine Levin Syndrome, a very rare disease known as KLS. The KLS Foundation posted their logo and messages that actual KLSers (those who have KLS) created and designed through the KLS Foundation. KLS messaging ran in Times Square for the entire day in hopes that more of the public and medical world will be made aware of this rare disease.

"This is a disease that is close to home for me and my mission is to help raise awareness that will result in raising funding to help find a treatment and cure," says Gary Grossman, co-founder of SILVERCAST Media.

One in a million people worldwide live with KLS.  As a result, there is very little incentive for researchers and pharmaceutical companies to invest in KLS research, making our mission stronger.

About KLS: KLS is a rare and complex neurological disorder characterized by recurring periods of excessive amounts of sleep, altered behavior, and an extremely reduced understanding of the world.  This disorder strikes adolescents primarily but can also occur in younger children and adults.  At the onset of an episode, the patient becomes progressively drowsy and sleeps for most of the day and night (hypersomnolence). Each episode lasts days, weeks, or months, during which time all normal daily activities stop. Individuals are not able to care for themselves or attend school and work. In between episodes, those with KLS appear to be in perfect health with no evidence of behavioral or physical dysfunction. KLS episodes may continue for 10 years or more.

For more information on Kleine Levin Syndrome, please go to

Source: The KLS Foundation

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