Sharon Hill Instructs Diversity Workshop for Duke Nonprofit Management Team

Triangle-based Professional Speaker and Etiquette Trainer Teaches Elite Group Tips for Enhancing Nonprofit Projects

Raleigh, NC: Sharon Hill, a Triangle-based professional business etiquette and diversity trainer, was chosen by the Duke Nonprofit Management Team to present her workshop, "Creating High Performance Teams in a Multi-Cultural & Multi-Generational Workplace." Hill shared her knowledge, gained from years of corporate management experience, on how to improve employee relations with lessons about embracing cultural and generational differences in nonprofit team projects. The workshop focused on how employees can appreciate differences present in the workplace and how to motivate different generations to work together. Hill understands the importance of nonprofit organizations and hopes to inspire employees and boost productivity by helping them form more cohesive team units.

The workshop took place on July 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The class was held as a closed session, exclusively for Duke's partner, the North Carolina Office of the Governor (NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service). By the end of the workshop, this elite nonprofit group understands how to boost productivity, morale, and professionalism when working on a project with various diverse individuals.

Hill feels honored to be chosen to teach and share her experiences with the Duke Nonprofit Management Team. In order to become a part of the team, members must complete fifty hours of course work and certification. The program offers numerous workshops pertaining to the desired skills trainees wish to obtain. The "Creating High Performance Teams in a Multi-Cultural & Multi-Generational Workplace" is one of many available workshops trainees can choose to accomplish their certification. Hill qualifies as an ideal instructor for the workshop because of her extensive knowledge of etiquette and diversity training in the business world. Overall, the certification program provides trainees with skills based on management and fiscal support of a nonprofit organization. For more information about the Duke Nonprofit Management Team, visit

Besides currently holding the position of Toastmasters NC Immediate Past District Governor, Hill spent more than 20 years as development and marketing manager at Fortune 500 giant IBM. As president of Sharon Hill international, she frequently teaches seminars focusing on American business etiquette, diversity practices, effective speaking techniques, and preparing students for corporate America. Hill captivates her audiences with her high-energy and her ability to combine her role as an educator and an entertainer. Her enthusiasm and humor shine through her talent of displaying confidence when speaking for large audiences. Hill also devotes time to extend her passion for etiquette and diversity as an author, corporate trainer, and keynote speaker.

About Sharon Hill International:
Sharon Hill International introduces an innovative and dynamic formula for proper business etiquette, created by the American Business Etiquette Trainers Association (ABETA), teaching employees about corporate loyalty and retaining customers. Sharon Hill, President of Sharon Hill International, speaks to groups, organizations and corporations across the globe, focusing on business etiquette, diversity training and communication in the workplace. To learn more about Sharon Hill International, or to book a seminar, please email