Shardy Cammack's New Book 'Cream 'N My Coffee' Is an Amorous Story About 2 Lovers Who Fight for Their Love Against Prejudice From Society

Fulton Books author Shardy Cammack, a wife and mother who dabbles in reading romance novels and writing, has completed her most recent book "Cream 'N My Coffee": a romantic yet challenging journey of a strong and beautiful African American woman and her businessman lover as they fight with their whole lives against social expectations and racial discrimination.

Shardy writes, "A successful African American woman in a small urban community fights falling in love with a well-known successful businessman. Both must fight society's expectations, unexpected prejudice, and community loyalties to succumb to everlasting love.

"Small-town girl Shantre Moore has grown up kicking and fighting for every inch of success she could get. She is the pride and joy of her community and destined to save her community brick by brick. When her big break presents itself and she will finally be able to put her name on the who's who list by saving her community's sports/fitness center, she jumps at the opportunity. However, things change, plans changes, and the rules have shifted when Yancy Bates stomps on her parade.

"Yancy has no interest in saving a small-town fitness center, but he couldn't resist the challenge of bringing yet another company back to life. He would just swoop in, stamp his name on the project, and voila, another well-known corporation is born. Being around beautiful women is an understatement, but never has he been so intrigued by the beautiful and smart Shantre. She could be the best challenge he's had to conquer in his entire life."

Published by Fulton Books, Shardy Cammack's book is a motivational novel that makes people see the importance of standing up for themselves and what they believe in despite the negative opinions of others. This story also tells how strong love between two hearts can conquer anything.

Readers who wish to experience this incredible work can purchase "Cream 'N My Coffee" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Source: Fulton Books