Service Offers Online Video Creation and Video Marketing for Online Businesses

Statistics for online video marketing show that nearly 70% of internet users have watched a video online, but what's even more staggering is that nearly 76% of those viewers will tell their friends about their favorite videos.

St Deltona, FL March 23, 2010 - Statistics for online video marketing ( show that nearly 70% of internet users have watched a video online, but what's even more staggering is that nearly 76% of those viewers will tell their friends about their favorite videos and go so far as to provide links to their favorite videos via chat, email or through a social network. Daryn Zack, owner of says he is not surprised by those statistics. "We expect the percentage of internet users viewing videos to increase significantly because of Google's purchase of YouTube and the ability to search engine optimize videos. Many of our clients see their videos showing up on page one for the search terms we use to market their video."

Nearly every modern 2.0 style website features a video that details their product or service. It is also common for customers to submit video testimonials for products that they love. Websites such as YouTube, Viddler and dozens of others have become an interactive way for companies to communicate with potential customers.

"The possibilities for online video marketing and video creation are endless. For a couple hundred dollars business owners can have a video that can be published on dozens of websites, including their own site, and optimized for search engines. Video marketing increases the visibility of the website it promotes because if people like what they see in the video they will ultimately decide to visit the website," stated Zack.

Zack not only offers video creation and marketing services that are unique to the video world, his services come at an affordable price. What's more is that his unique design concepts allows the videos he creates to serve as an impressive addition to any website and as a marketing tool on video engines.

Daryn Zack, owner of continued on to say, "When I create a video I look at it from the clients perspective in that they want to encourage sales and increase traffic to their site, but I also look at it from a customer perspective. What do they want to know? What do they want to hear about a company offering that particular product or service? When I can answer those questions I can understand what someone viewing the video may be looking for and can build it to encourage a purchase, a visit to the clients site or whatever outcome the client desires. When we market videos using our unique promotion services clients see traffic pour into their site that may not have ever landed on their site. Video marketing is targeting at it's finest."

Online Video Empire launched mid-March. Zack has been developing video for years and is one of the industries leading video marketing and video creation service providers.

For more information on Online Video Empire or Daryn Zack, please visit or call 1-877-236-9610


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