Serious Shortage of Muslim Burial Plots in the UK
Online, October 3, 2013 ( - "We've ruled out all the alternatives", says Ian Hussein, Director of the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium.
"People have suggested compulsory cremation, burying people standing up, and so on and so on. Reuse is the only viable alternative".
Burial plots for Muslims need to be facing towards the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Additionally the shortage is not helped due to Muslim graves needing to be purchased as single graves to accommodate 1 interment in each plot in contrast to other faiths electing to have triple interments per plot.
"Some religions disapprove of cremation, including Islam, which puts further demand on providing burial space as cremations are not possible", says Tom Roberts at FJP Investment.
"Nevertheless it is clear that in many places there is a shortage of local burial space, and pricing policies are being used to manage demand". "Some would argue that if local burial is to be a genuine choice, then some form of subsidy may need to happen - but from where?" said Tom Roberts of FJP Investment Ltd.
Also, local authority cemetery managers are talking about a forthcoming upsurge in burial demand, as the present older generation finally succumbs to the demands of longevity.
We have a big problem; councils are struggling to find the funding to provide burial space which is why we need to develop an idea for bringing new cemeteries to the market.
FJP Investment Ltd is currently raising finance for a new cemetery in the South East of England.
"Our cemetery investment will entail 14,000 plots in total of which we will be able to provide for the rapidly increasing demand from the Muslim community" said Roberts of FJP Investment.