September Is Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Awareness Month

September is Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) awareness month, it is a silent killer that affects the vessels in the legs, leading to heart attack, stroke, amputation and even death, which is why a regular health screening is important.

At least 1 in 20 individuals,  over the age of 50, has Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), a common and potentially life-threatening vascular disease that affects the vessels in the legs and can lead to heart attack, stroke, amputation and even death.  September is PAD Awareness Month, and the Eternity Medicine Institute is informing individuals in Dubai about the risk factors, warning signs and consequences of PAD and how a Health screening in Dubai can help detect this condition early.

PAD occurs when arteries in the legs become narrowed or blocked with fat deposits, reducing the flow of blood to the legs.  This can result in muscle pain in the legs, walking, disability, amputation, and lead to a poor quality of life. Blocked arteries that are found in individuals with PAD can be a warning sign that other arteries, including those in the heart and brain, may also be clogged as well, increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

The Eternity health screening center informs individuals over the age of 50, that they are at a risk for PAD, due to the following factors,

•                    Smokes or used to smoke

•                    Is Diabetic

•                    Has high blood pressure

•                    Has an abnormal blood cholesterol

•                    Has a personal history of coronary heart disease or stroke

PAD is a silent disease and has no visible or recognizable symptoms. However, some warning signs to look out for are,

•                    Fatigue, heaviness, tiredness or cramping in the leg muscles that occurs during activities such as walking and subsides when resting.

•                    Pain in the foot or toe when sleeping that disturbs sleep.

•                    Skin wounds or ulcers on the feet or toes that takes time to heal.

“PAD is a devastating disease that is often un-diagnosed,” explained a representative of the Eternity Medicine Institute. He added, " We would like to increase the awareness of PAD and improve the community’s vascular health by suggesting that individuals go through a regular Health screening."

The screening for PAD is painless and called the ankle-brachial index, non-invasive test that compares the blood pressure in the ankles with the blood pressure in the arms. 

About Eternity

Eternity is committed to providing the best plastic surgery procedures through individualized care for our clients. Dr. Ahmed Abdulla’s reputation on improving one’s appearance in a natural and conservative manner has enabled him to develop a large national and international popularity. Eternity's board certified surgeons are committed to providing the best treatment options and to individualize recommendations so that they best address the individual client’s concerns and sensitivities.

Contact Information

Eternity Medicine Institute

Ground Floor, K.G. Tower,

Marsa, Dubai Marina,

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

T: +971-4-450-8181 or

F: +971-4-450-3693

PO Box: 120618, Dubai