SEO & Social Media Book Released as Kindle Edition, Price Slashed

SEO & Social Media Marketing Guide explains what businesses need to know about SEO and social networking in easy to understand terms so that they can build their brand and improve search results. Available through Amazon's Kindle bookstore.

Most businesses today realize that optimizing their website and developing a social media strategy are essential if they want to be successful with the online search market. Small businesses have been slow to adopt due to the significant demands of time, internal resources and the money required to launch an effective campaign.

Search Engine Optimization companies may charge thousands of dollars for their services, yet few will assure quantifiable results. They often cite Google's constantly changing algorithm as the reason for not guaranteeing top organic listings. In this challenging economy, small businesses simply cannot afford to gamble with such vague prospects.

Author and online marketing consultant, Tom Heatherington, provides businesses a no risk alternative with his book, "SEO & Social Media Marketing Guide". The book is geared to brick and mortar small businesses that don't have the internal resources or budget available to dedicate to an online marketing effort. This popular download has been available from his website since last August, and now an updated edition is available through Amazon's Kindle bookstore.

Small businesses today need all the help they can get just to stay afloat. In order to make his book available to help more businesses, Heatherington has slashed the price of his book by 75% for both the Kindle version and the website download.

The vast majority of small businesses conduct business on a local level, but if they have not optimized their marketing efforts to leverage "local search", they are missing their greatest opportunity. Mr. Heatherington says that "a website that has not been optimized and not bolstered by a social media strategy is akin to having an unlisted business phone number".

Understanding the demands of most small companies, Heatherington suggests that they consider assigning the project to an office employee or receptionist and use the book as a blueprint. "Almost everyone these days has a personal Facebook account and is familiar with basic online procedures; my book outlines a step-by-step roadmap showing them how to optimize their website and leverage offsite linking resources and social networking sites", says Heatherington.

The SEO & Social Media Marketing Guide explains what businesses need to know about SEO and social networking in easy to understand terms so that they can build their brand and improve search results. Simply having a stand-alone website is no longer enough to attract customers; it must be optimized for search and utilize social marketing.

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Kalispell, MT
