Semiconductor Water Is Key Focus of May/June Ultrapure Water Journal
Online, June 14, 2012 ( - The latest issue of ULTRAPURE WATER journal examines key issues related to high-purity water used in semiconductor manufacturing. Water markets, materials of construction, and particle removal all discussed in articles found in the current issue.
The issue's business article by Seth Cutler examines the semiconductor and solar water treatment markets. He noted in the article that the microelectronics industry is likely to have the greatest amount of new fab construction in Asia, while in North America, Europe, and Japan that the industry will focus on reinvestment to enhance current operations and performance.
Mr. Cutler, a researcher with Frost & Sullivan, said he expects the semiconductor water treatment market to grow from $985 million in 2011 to nearly $1.4 billion by 2016. Those figures include water and wastewater treatment equipment, and design and engineering services.
"The continuing and growing critical process needs for high-purity water and its increasing cost in relation to equipment investment will drive investment in wastewater recycling/reuse equipment," writes Mr. Cutler.
One driver affecting the market will be technology developments that allow for making microchips with narrower lines and smaller sizes. These will drive the water industry to invest more in membranes and instruments capable of meeting those treatment requirements. "These drivers help bring stable growth to the semiconductor and solar PV markets, which are inherently cyclical and highly reactive to consumer demand," Mr. Cutler observed.
Mr. Cutler's article may be viewed at:
Drs. Brigitte Neubauer and Giovanni Biressi examine the steam sterilization of PVDF piping systems. This approach is applicable in pharmaceutical and semiconductor applications. Some applications do allow for the use of disinfectant chemicals to sterilize piping systems; however, in the pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries outside chemicals are not used to protect water quality, so hot water, and steam are viable alternatives. The full article is available at:
Authors Don Grant, Dr. Dennis Chilcote, and Dr. Uwe Beuscher examine the removal of 12-nanometer (nm) particles from high-purity water through ultrafiltration and microfiltration (
The drive to remove particles down to 12-nm in size comes because of technology advancements in semiconductor device manufacturing. The newest products need even purer high-purity water in order to protect against product failures caused by water used during the manufacturing process. Microfiltration and ultrafiltration are favored technologies and the article reviews research on the effectiveness of these technologies in treating semiconductor-grade water. This article describes a new method that allows the measurement of filter retention efficiency for particles as small as 5 nm in diameter.
Authors Ed Cellucci and Greg Michalchuk review another aspect of particle contamination in high-purity water from valves and joints used in piping systems. The article notes that research has found that "pressure regulators and other fluid control components contributed to significant levels of metal ion contamination and particle shedding", which hurt microchip yields at North American semiconductor fabs. The article is available at:
The May/June issue's Back to Basics column by William Harfst examines cleaning approaches for reverse osmosis membranes.
ULTRAPURE WATER publisher Tall Oaks Publishing also publishes INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT magazine. Each publication comes out six times yearly. Tall Oaks also organizes conferences and will be conducting ULTRAPURE WATER-Asia July 4-5 in Singapore as part of Singapore International Water Week. More information is available at:
Additionally, Tall Oaks Publishing offers an extensive listing of industrial and high-purity water treatment books through its on-line bookstore on-line bookstore. A complete listing of books and CDs offered is available at The web site also offers details about Premier Subscriptions to INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT and ULTRAPURE WATER. Information about advertising is available by calling 303/973-6700, or by emailing