Self-Confident Children Are More Successful Than Peers

A new downloadable booklet, "How to Raise Self-Confident Children" (AnswerGirls $1), describes how to give a child a comfortable cushion of self-esteem that he or she can carry into adulthood. Available exclusively at

A warm and encouraging new down-loadable booklet, "How to Raise Self-Confident Children" (AnswerGirls $1), describes what it takes to give a child a comfortable cushion of self-esteem that will carry him or her through adulthood. This booklet is available only at

Self-confidence changes a child's life forever. Of all the gifts parents can bestow on their children, when it comes to value received, the gift of self-confidence may well top the list. The author shared these tips:

"Self-confidence is a magic good-luck charm that helps lead to a whole list of other good things. Self-confident children are generally happier and more successful than others who lack this important trait.

By learning how to plan aspects of their life, children can be taught to feel in control of their world, in a positive way. The best way to allow your child to feel that sense of being in control of his life is to teach him the value of planning, rather than letting life pummel him unexpectedly.

When you're a child, your view of the world is limited. Children simply don't see the possibilities. So if, as a parent, you open doors they never thought could be opened, you give your children the gift of a whole new world."

There are many ways adults can promote self-esteem, and this booklet addresses ten of them, including the art of listening, teaching responsibility and socialization, and letting children know that the world is their oyster.

To learn how to encourage a child to know his or her true value and to develop a comfortable level of self-esteem, download "How to Raise Self-Confident Children" at You'll find more helpful one dollar parenting booklets in the Family Section at