SEG Promotions Highlights Exciting Achievements

The director of operations at SEG Promotions discussed his nomination for a prestigious award. He also highlighted the impact of such recognition.

“I’m both thrilled and honored to announce that I’ve been nominated for the 40 Under 40 award through the Atlanta Business Chronicle,” said Jake A., SEG Promotions’ director of operations. “This initiative is intended to put the spotlight on 40 people under the age of 40, who make significant career achievements and demonstrate social responsibility.”

Jake is poised to receive the award due to his commitment to excellence within his company. More importantly, however, he is also being recognized for his dedication to philanthropy. He is interested in ending the book famine in Africa, and supports the cause through Books For Africa.

"As far as the 40 Under 40 nomination, I hope to set an example for my team members,"

Jake , Director of Operations

“Books For Africa’s team collects, organizes, ships, and distributes reading material for students in Africa,” Jake explained. “The nonprofit is the largest of its kind. Since 1988, it is responsible for sending more than 32 million books to 27 countries. These books are valued at $35 million. The group has also sent hundreds of computers. It has assisted with the construction of 11 law and human rights libraries as well. It’s such an amazing project. My colleagues and I intend to continue supporting it.”

“As far as the 40 Under 40 nomination, I hope to set an example for my team members,” Jake stated. “I want them to know they can do anything if they have the right amount of passion and perseverance. The greatest reward for me would be to see them surpass their wildest ambitions.”

SEG Promotions’ Leader Reviews the Dynamics of Achievement

“I can speak from experience and note that feeling a sense of achievement is a great motivator,” Jake continued. “That’s why my colleagues and I are sure to recognize and reward our people for all their hard work at SEG Promotions.” The firm’s director observed that these efforts result in higher rates of team member engagement and performance.

According to Jake, company leaders also foster feelings of achievement throughout the firm by giving everyone plenty of options to grow. He pointed out that people who do the same work constantly, without being challenged, usually don’t feel valued. When they can learn new techniques and sharpen their existing skills, however, they appreciate the investment in their development. What’s more, when they master new tasks they feel the satisfying sense of accomplishment.

“I want everyone at SEG Promotions to know they matter,” Jake concluded. “The best way I know to show them my appreciation is to help them grow, challenge them, and reward their efforts.”

About SEG Promotions

SEG Promotions is a teamwork-driven provider of dynamic promotions. The firm applies an interactive approach to marketing that expands brand awareness while making each client more profitable. By utilizing the latest techniques to research markets and demographics, SEG Promotions’ executives create customized initiatives that forge lasting relationships between brands and customers. The firm delivers exceptional results for clients in part because they maintain a supportive family environment in which every team member can develop and thrive. These relationships lead to long-term brand loyalty and customer satisfaction that clients can see in revenue increases.