SearchBliss' John Kline Now Offers SEO Services

John Kline of SearchBliss now offers SEO services to websites of any size. Kline has over 12 years search engine optimization experience, and has decided to provide his skills to those who need them, regardless of the website size.

John Kline, owner and operator of SearchBliss is now offering freelance seo services to large and small website owners. Kline has been performing search engine optimization for over 12 years. Due to his success in SEO, Kline has recently decided to share his skills to help website owners rank their websites in Google's search results. "I had been doing SEO successfully for my own websites for so many years, that the next logical step to come to mind was to offer my services for others", Kline says.

SearchBliss was developed by Kline in 2001 as a search engine. After a year, SearchBliss began to offer webmasters free tools to build websites. The focus quickly moved forward focusing on the needs of the website owner and the search portion of the site was removed. In 2009, Kline began adding useful SEO tools to SearchBliss so website owners could monitor their websites progress in the major search engines, and currently has 29 free online SEO tools as well as 31 free web tools for improving websites. "I liked the site's direction, however, something was missing. I just didn't know it at the time", Kline says. Now in 2013, Kline realized he needed to offer his skills and talents in a different way, while keeping the focus of SearchBliss alive. Kline states, "Giving my time and talents for SEO to other website owners makes sense to me".

SearchBliss' John Kline currently offers on-page SEO services along with website recovery services for sites that have been penalized by Google due to algorithm updates, like Panda and Penguin. For more information, please visit

About SearchBliss SEO Services

SearchBliss SEO Services
109 S. Radnor Chester Rd.
Wayne, PA
