Sean Donahoe:Extreme Niche Empires Lauching Soon

Sean Donahoe is a genuine name in the internet marketing world. His background was working as a pro in the corporate SEO arena. It seems finally Donahoe has decided to throw his SEO optimized hat into the ring of autoblogging software.

Extreme Niche Empires launches on the 14th April. The aim is to marry fast content rich autoblogging with equally fast SEO. Sadly for the buying public very few if any products have been able to deliver this

Donahoe's background in itself could cause concern to the more fearful internet gurus as his background was apparently doing SEO in the corporate world. He has produced a number of SEO and Backlinking products as well as the star performing Video Marketing Goldmine

This is perhaps one of the reasons why there is such interest in this launch. To the great annoyance of online marketers a number of recently released auto blogging tools have certainly been fast. The problems begin when getting these multiple sites to rank. Far from building large portfolios of 'cash cow 'websites they have been left with a lot of non cash producing 'white elephants.' T

The big question is can Donahoe pull off what many if not most have apparently failed to do and that is multiple site building power combined with super sharp SEO generating page 1 ranks in a number of niches. Able to dominate any niche as the advertising puts it

Auto blogging software has come on leaps and bounds in terms of content creation ad speed but most serious marketers don't just want something that looks pretty but genuinely "dominate niches" as D
onahoe system purports to do' .Despite his strong track record he is keen not to oversell:

"No Push Button Millionaire stuff here. We show how to craft these things the right way to make them unique and give your customers detailed step-by-step training so not only do they
easily create these sites but also learn the skills they need to succeed as Internet marketers."

The focus seems to be creating "authority sites". More quality less quantity comes to mind He is looking for people who want to start a genuine business and although there won't be any millionaires overnight he does expect people to be able to build incomes of $10,000 - $15000 dollars a month with a bit of effort

Donahoe added "We focus on quality, high-power strategies that are proven to work and work very well. We have many students already making $10,000-$15,000+ every single month and we hope to help customers to achieve the same results."

When challenged Donahoe explained: "Extreme Niche Empires is the culmination of over 5 years worth of niche marketing and a powerful training course for showing people just how to dominate any niche they want to go after with high-authority, high-ranking and highly profitable websites that pretty much run themselves."

He went on,"We have focused on refining this strategy down to the simplest and most powerful way for your customers to get started with a "REAL" online business that they can turn into an online empire.

We will have to wait a little while yet to get a proper handle on what is being released. One thing is for sure it would take a critic with strong backbone to decry Donahoe's SEO credentials.