Save at Least 20% on Favorite Restaurant Bill in Kolkata by Using ChopMyBill

City based restaurant deal provider, ChopMyBill is offering a free service to restaurateurs. Restaurateurs can post their discount coupons and deals here for free. Customers too claims that their food bills have gone down by 20%.

Leveraging the love for food among people in Kolkata, has come up with a new idea. They are allowing restaurateurs to post their coupons and discount deals on their website for free. With a huge competition among restaurant owners, it is increasingly becoming difficult for them to claim loyalty of customers. People these days opt for better dining deals and that is what this website is offering.

Moreover, the deal provider has claimed that they are helping customers to save as much as 20% on their food bills with the discount codes that they are offering. This is one of the prime reasons why the website has become so popular over such a short period of time.

Best Restaurant & Food Deals in Kolkata

Team ChopMyBill, Marketing

The easy and hassle free process also adds to the popularity of the website. Customers can log on to the website and browse for deals. Once they find one they can avail the deal for free and redeem it at the respective restaurant and get the discount. 

The search begins by browsing then as the customer finds a deal they put their email id and the code discount code is emailed to them. While going to the restaurant, they should either take a copy of that e-mail or a snapshot on their phone and show it at the restaurant to avail the offer.

Hence for customers and restaurateurs both, this is a great deal. It not only helps customers to find the best deals on their favourite food and drink but on the other hand it also helps restaurateurs to reach their customers.  More than the deal, the place where one puts it is more important because at the end of the day, if a customer does not avail the deal, then it’s of no good use.

About ChopmyBill

ChopmyBill is a city based restaurant deal provider. They offer free service for both deal finders and restaurateurs. While customers can get discount coupons from this website, restaurateurs can easily list their restaurant on their website and start getting customers. With a free service, ChopmyBill creates a win-win situation for both restaurateurs and customers.

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