SAS-DFW Highlights Outstanding Team Members

The director of operations at SAS-DFW discussed a few of the firm's top performers and their unique attributes. He also shared his thoughts on the traits possessed by the most effective professionals.

​Creating great business leaders is a big part of SAS-DFW’s ongoing success. It’s also a primary reason the firm won the 2014 Best Business Award and is poised to win more honors over the coming years. “Our people make the difference,” stated Jonathan, the firm’s director of operations. “We emphasize continuous improvement, and they work hard to get better on a daily basis. The brands we promote reap huge rewards in the process.”

Jonathan and the rest of the executive team enjoy highlighting the work of their top performers. As the director put it, “Recognition is a surefire way to keep people motivated and engaged in their work. We’re always looking for opportunities to call attention to our high-achieving team members.”

"No matter what's going on around her or in her life, she comes to work with a smile and gives her best effort,"

Jonathan, Director of Operations

Nece M. is one such dedicated professional, and she is one of the strongest people on the team. “No matter what’s going on around her or in her life, she comes to work with a smile and gives her best effort,” Jonathan said. “As a result, she always has some of the highest numbers.” Nece is known for inspiring her colleagues and bringing out the best in them. She works so hard because she wants to support her family and reach her ambitious goals for success in the industry.

Brandon P. is another of the sharpest talents at SAS-DFW. He came to the company after leaving his small hometown. As the director noted, “Brandon didn’t want to be a farmer, so he came to the city to find more opportunities. We’re very glad he did, because over the past four years, he has been bringing an incredible work ethic to everything he does, including to his duties as a partner of the firm.” In the future, Brandon wants to continue building up his team and expand into new territories.

SAS-DFW’s Director of Operations Highlights Desirable Traits in Team Members

The executive team at SAS-DFW looks for specific traits when evaluating candidates. As Jonathan put it, “A person can be smart, skilled, and likable, but without certain attributes it’s hard to say if he or she will succeed over the long haul.”

One trait company leaders always look for is accountability. “If people can’t be trusted to do what they say they’re going to do, you end up wasting a lot of time and energy as a company,” the director added. “We like to include some tasks during the application process that require attention to detail. If an applicant isn’t thorough and diligent with these simple tasks, we know he or she probably won’t fit in with our team.”

The ability to communicate clearly is also an important attribute for professionals. Company leaders focus on this quality during interviews. As Jonathan explained, “I’ll often ask candidates to describe work environments in which they experienced great communication. I then pay close attention to the communication styles they describe and the nonverbal skills they display in answering the question. If an applicant is comfortable making good eye contact and shows good listening skills throughout the interview, I know he or she is a strong communicator.”

About SAS

SAS is a new experiential marketing firm in Dallas, Texas. Established on the belief that a personal approach to advertising is more effective than conventional indirect models such as television or billboards, SAS has already signed several prestigious clients based on its chosen techniques. The leadership of the firm will be providing intensive training to all new marketing
specialists to ensure a rapid deployment of all new campaigns that aim to drive growth for brands seeking to break into new markets.