San Diego Website Designer Predicts Web Design Trends for the Year

Each year there are different trends in web design that keep websites looking current.

Putting content first in web design will be important. Content is a term that is being talked about more and more every year. There will be more discussion about how content should be presented to the user and whether or not it should be adapted in devices. It needs to be the main concern for businesses. Content needs to be efficient, searchable, accessible, and multi-platform.

Simplicity will be the best kind of web design style. The process of simplification will be the best tool to make content accessible and readable on the largest number of devices with the best user experience. Content strategy, usability, accessibility, and visual design will be important factors that need to remain simple.

The user experience is going to be the most important consideration in web design. Simplification should go on a visual and interaction level for the benefit of users. Simplicity brings an efficient user experience.

Desktop websites and mobile interfaces will be united into a single version. The focus on content will slowly shift to a focus on unifying all kinds of device and PC capabilities in a single web design.

Searching for multi-platform version and cross-platform technologies lead to responsive techniques including webfonts, design with typography, and icon fonts evolving and becoming widespread.

There are a few visual trends, such as simplicity, minimalism, clear layouts, app-style interfaces, design focusing on typography, less decoration, less skeumorphic interfaces, flat style, and flat colors. This is a response for the need to create adaptive projects for images and elements to be scaled on a variety of platforms.

Technology will become agnostic, meaning that HTML, CSS, and Javascript will be used equally. These technologies will be utilized in order to create responsive techniques. What is most surprising about this trend is the renewed interest in Javascript for web development.

One design company that offers design services and has an all-around experience for every aspect of design is Storm Brain Designs. Their many services are best combined with each other to create a comprehensive marketing package.

A spokesperson from Storm Brain Designs commented, "Our goal is to absolutely blow the client away. We ask ourselves how we can make their brand more memorable, their website so sticky that visitors won't want to leave...we see every project as a challenge to dramatically improve each client's marketing and branding endeavors."