Saint Albans to Host First Responder Disability Awareness Event

An inclusive event for first responders and the disability community to meet.
First Responders meet with local citizen

The city of St. Albans Parks and Recreation, Fire Department and On Purpose Project are teaming up to host a First Responder Disability Awareness event. There will be safety vehicles, speakers, vendors and more.

"Events such as these allow opportunities for First Responders to meet and interact with the people in their communities who may have different needs. Becoming known to each other makes it easier to be comfortable with one another," says Travis Miller, a local disability advocate. The event will take place Friday, August 6 from 5-8 pm at the Loop in St. Albans.

The On Purpose Project is dedicated to knitting people with disabilities into the fabric of the Saint Albans community through using their special talents and interests to give back to the Saint Albans Community. For questions, additional information, or to volunteer with us, please contact us at or follow us on Facebook at "St. Albans On Purpose Project".

Source: On Purpose Project/ Saint Albans Fire Department/ Saint Albans Parks & Recreation Department