S. Storm's New Book 'Modern Day Jouliete' Shares the Bravery Story of a Family Woman's Life as a Combat Veteran

Fulton Books author S. Storm, a writer who served eight years active duty Army, including two tours in South Korea and one combat tour in Iraq, has completed her most recent book "Modern Day Jouliete": an up-close and deep revelation of a woman who served the country and her family. She speaks up about the tribulations she faced and the battles that she continues to struggle with even after her service.

Storm shares, "Jouliete first join the Army in 1998 because her first husband, Mike, said she would never make it as a soldier. Not only did she become a soldier, but she also eventually become one of approximately 500 living female Purple Heart Medal recipients for injuries sustained in combat and serve three years overseas, along the way meeting her Romeo. 

What should have been a storybook type of love at first sight story for Jouliete and Romeo didn't work out that way. September 11, 2001, changed the world as we knew it, but few have felt the lasting impact the same as military service members - Jouliete and Romeo included. 

Modern Day Jouliete is the true experiences of one woman and her life as a daughter, sister, wife, stepmother; in addition to being a combat veteran. Written as a first-person conversation between Jouliete and her reader, S.Storm tells her thoughts and feelings during her military service, as well as, figuring out life after being a soldier. She provides a raw, honest and deeply personal view of what she experienced living and loving in the military and returning home from combat both physically injured and dealing with PTSD."

Published by Fulton Books, S. Storm's stirring discourse provides a closer perspective into a life of a woman soldier trying to deal with the world. Speaking about her true experiences, she lays out all of her thoughts of life and love and the emotions she has to deal with in a world run by men.

Readers who wish to experience this brilliant work can purchase "Modern Day Jouliete" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books