Rudolf Steiner College Seeks President as It Enters a New and Expansive Era.

The College Board of Trustees announced its search for the next president of the College following the retirement of the third President Gayle Davis.

Rudolf Steiner College Seeks President as It Enters a New and Expansive Era.

The College Board of Trustees announced its search for the next president of the College following the retirement of the third President Gayle Davis.

Members of the College's select Search Committee have defined the leadership qualities and experience sought in prospective candidates based on the next planned stages of growth. The College was granted Candidacy Status accreditation March 2012 by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Enhanced degree-granting and academic opportunities are evolving as part of the accreditation efforts and the next phases of the strategic plan.

"The presidential search will be worldwide to encompass the expanded college directions," reported Dale Hamad, PhD Board Chair.

As a recognized leader in the education of Waldorf teachers, Rudolf Steiner College offers multiple learning tracks geared to teaching in both public and private schools. "We are designing our programs to meet the needs of prospective teachers as well as veterans," interim President Betty Staley stated.

Early Childhood Education, Psychology, Consciousness Studies, Biodynamic Agriculture are some of the areas of study at Rudolf Steiner College. Over 2,000 students from the United States and from all over the world attend programs annually. Located on a beautiful thirteen acre campus in Fair Oaks, just east of Sacramento, California, Rudolf Steiner College is a center for artistic and community activities as well as academic endeavors.

Candidates for the presidential position should have experience in higher education, an expanded world view and the capacities to lead the College to its future opportunities.

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