RockIt Shares Interactive Marketing Benefits and Tips
Charlotte, July 31, 2015 ( - “The word is out that interactive marketing works,” said Doug, RockIt’s director. “Businesses are eager to build brand awareness and increase their market shares efficiently. This approach allows them to see results faster.”
Doug shared that interactive marketing has become favored over traditional advertising due to the ability to reach specific consumer bases. “For years, brands have operated under the belief that to saturate a market, you must buy tons of TV and radio spots, place ads in publications, or even use billboards,” he explained. “The hope was that the more your name was out there, the more likely it was that consumers would recognize your brand. It was a generalized approach that may or may not have been effective in reaching the targeted audience, or the consumers who would buy the product.”
"Today's consumers are savvier, which is where interactive marketing is more efficient,"
Doug, Director
“Today’s consumers are savvier, which is where interactive marketing is more efficient,” Doug added. “With an approach like we use at RockIt, you’re using demographic information to create messages and campaigns that home in on the ideal consumer group for the product. You are able to identify with their unique needs and expectations. This drives more results.”
According to Doug, the added benefit to this approach is the ability to measure campaign impact. “We work with our customers to create goals,” he said. “This allows them to see how effective our strategy is and for us to adjust if needed. You can never fully tie the impact of a TV ad or billboard to a consumer action.”
RockIt Managers Offer Tips for Maximizing Word-of-Mouth
Doug suggested that interactive marketing helps foster the all-time most effective form of marketing, which is word of mouth. “The secret to successful interactive marketing is to create a buzz,” he said. “This starts with the campaign. At RockIt, we’re continually focused on developing innovative promotions that really engage consumers in a positive brand experience. When they’re excited, they share that news with their friends and family.”
Social media has exploded the ability to maximize word-of-mouth marketing. “In the past, you may have had a consumer share their experiences with one or two friends over the phone or wherever they gathered,” Doug noted. “Today, most people are active on some form of social media, like Facebook or Twitter. If you can get them excited about a product, they’ll share that news with their friends and followers, which could number in the thousands. They’ll like your page and share updates. It’s fast and easy for them and for the brand to get the word out.”
“Whenever you can engage the consumer and invite them to participate in the process, you’re multiplying your opportunities to promote your brand through the people who will use it,” Doug concluded. “With interactive marketing, businesses are tapping into the right markets effectively and efficiently. This is the future of marketing.”
About RockIt
RockIt is a full-service promotional firm committed to using interactive outreach methods to ensure visibility and consumer engagement for represented brands. The company’s team of brand ambassadors leverages cutting-edge research and analysis to impact the public on a deeper level than indirect techniques such as billboard ads can manage. This results in lasting relationships between the products they promote and consumers, which leads to repeat business and explosive profitability. RockIt has served an impressive portfolio of organizations, ranging from fledgling startups to well-established Fortune 500 firms. To learn more about how the team helps companies thrive, visit today.