Robyn Young's New Book 'The Enigma Trilogy' is an Enthralling Adventure That Will Question One's Perception on Life

Fulton Books author Robyn Young, a talented author from Washington, has completed her most recent book "The Enigma Trilogy": a thought-provoking novel that explores how everything in this world - animals, human, environment - are interconnected. The whole read is seamlessly done. It presents profound ideas and leaves a lot of thoughts to ponder. What are the realities that humans don't see with their naked eye?

Young shares, "Angels and demons are whispering in the ears of humans, seeking to find their place in the cosmos. Life's cycling through other dimensions and cosmic portals connecting human thoughts to the life of animals, plants, and the stars.

"Are we aware of what part we play in eternity? What do we know about Earth and its energy? With angels and demons, bodies and minds, look at what we've created through this time line. What is before, and what is behind? Somehow and someway, we are all drawn together in this paranormal time.

"Whatever we believe, whatever we do, there is a reason for this cosmic story coming true, being brought to you in part by you and all the events life takes you through. It's all aligned in the stars, thoughts, and evolution's point of view.

"Take a journey through lives connected to the other side. See how yours coincide. No coincidence nor accidents, nor are we ever alone or able to hide from ourselves or our spirit guide. It's worldwide. Whether we like it or not, we're all tied together. If it's the end of the world, we all decide of the ways of war or together as allies. We have the choice to back the tide.

"The apparitions share guidance of their aftermath in their afterlife through faith and science, races and balance, urgency with patience, but we all have a death sentence. If this story can make peace with our past and presence, so can we, for a future of abundance, alliance, and ascendance. Connecting our stories, fantasies, and journeys, we live on in glory as we piece the puzzle together to see the bigger picture of our world within worlds forever."

Published by Fulton Books, Robyn Young's book is a sublime work that talks about the wonders of the universe. Here, the author cemented a powerful statement: there's no such thing as accidents in this world, for everything is connected.

This read will definitely tickle one's curiosity.

Readers who wish to experience this amusing work can purchase "The Enigma Trilogy" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books