Robert E. Reeves' New Book 'Before Dawn' is a Thrilling Novel About the Nature of One of the Most Ferocious Man-Eating Predators in the World

Fulton Books author Robert E. Reeves, a published poet and songwriter, has completed his most recent book "Before Dawn": a gripping fiction that follows a man who was tasked to take down a group of beasts that tormented a lot of innocent villagers. In this dangerous mission, Bwana Kifaru is bound to confront not just the predators but also his emotions toward his estranged ex-wife. In a battle between a man and a beast, who will end up victorious?

Reeves shares, "Hungry eyes watching from the darkness. Hungry eyes hunting as a team. The pride, driven north out of Tanzania by poachers and encroaching civilization, has learned that man is an easy meal. This will be recorded as their fourth 'man kill.' Now to the victors belong the spoils. It was quick. It was easy. It will be a satisfying meal.

Southwest Kenya is being terrorized by a pride of lions that are killing daily.

Dr. Charles Henley, a.k.a. Bwana Kifaru (Mr. Rhino in Swahili), is hired by the Kenyan Minister of Wildlife, in partnership with the San Diego Zoo, to capture these man-eaters and rid the villages around Maasai Mara National Preserve of these killers. The lions are to be captured alive and transported to the San Diego Zoo, bringing Dr. Henley once again into the orbit of his estranged ex-wife, Meredith, who is the head veterinarian.

Although much of the story takes place in Southwest Kenya, this is not an 'around the campfire' book of hunting stories. Before Dawn is a suspense novel dealing with the confrontation of nature at its most savage and mankind's vulnerability."

Published by Fulton Books, Robert E. Reeves' book is a stimulating literary work that captures the imagination of its readers. The author's poetic side is reflected in the way he described every scene and every emotion. 

The storytelling is highly imaginative and seamlessly done. For a debut novel, Before Dawn definitely did not come to play.

Readers who wish to experience this chilling work can purchase "Before Dawn" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books