Robert C. Martin's New Book "Coincidence" is a Thought-Provoking Book About the Hidden Hand of God Throughout One Man's Lifetime.

"Coincidence" from Covenant Books author Robert C. Martin is a soul-stirring autobiography that traces the serendipitous events and occurrences that first caught the author's attention during his deployments in the US military and how, slowly but surely, with more attention and spiritual openness, he came to know the truth of God's active involvement in his life disguised as coincidence.

Robert C. Martin, a civil engineer in the US Navy who also worked with correctional facilities in Tennessee and California, has completed his new book, “Coincidence”: an eye-opening memoir about hidden patterns.

Robert shares, “Coincidence is about noticeable occurrences that happened consistently and on a regular basis. Occurrences that cannot be overlooked or dismissed as mere happenstance. The events and situations written are characterized by a life lived by someone that doesn’t take life or the fulfillment of life for granted but appreciates the good and grows from the bad. This book is about being encouraged when you face unpleasant situations. You will know that you can gain strength, grow, and thrive through your many challenges. Life might seem to throw you a curve but having the right support with you will comfort you through anything.”

Coincidence is written to show that challenges are a part of one’s life and everyone has a choice to make during every episode. The author learned something about himself that he didn’t already know. He made discoveries that were more valuable than the pain. The author looked upon somebody that was bigger and greater than his situations and circumstances. The author of this book had his experiences with the author of life. The author of life is Jesus the Lord! The author of this book found his confidence in knowing his creator, savior, and Lord.

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Robert C. Martin’s new book is an inspiring testimonial, part memoir and part guide to making sense of the coincidences in one’s own life.

By sharing his personal story, Martin reveals the clues of place and timing that more than anything prove that God is not only working behind the scenes but is leaving small hints for the attentive few who recognize his fingerprints and give credit where credit is due.

Readers can purchase “Coincidence” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Source: Covenant Books

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