RiXtrema / Larkspur Video Illustrates Fiduciary Best Practices Improvements; Huge Savings for Plan Sponsors

New York, NY, April 18, 2017 (Newswire.com) - RiXtrema, the leading provider of risk management tools and analysis to the financial advisory and broker/dealer community, and Larkspur Data, the leading provider of targeted data and market intelligence for financial advisors in the 401k/qualified plan industry, are making it easy for advisors to demonstrate value to plan sponsor clients, both current and prospective.
In a recently released joint webinar video, RiXtrema President and Founder Daniel Satchkov, and Larkspur COO Rob Morris, showed how advisors can:
All advisors who manage retirement plan assets should be prepared to document that the portfolios they recommend are constructed in the sponsor's best interests.
Daniel Satchkov, CFA, president, RiXtrema
- Uncover hundreds of thousands of dollars in plan management fee savings
- Use the latest in market intelligence and quantitative analytics to open the door to more lucrative appointments.
- Grab the attention of qualified plan decision-makers with compelling value propositions
- Distinguish themselves from the competition using applied analytics
“At RiXtrema, we draw on our extensive research experience to develop carefully vetted algorithms with which advisors can analyze existing plans and provide the plan sponsor with recommended alternatives that can help them achieve huge savings, sometimes as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars over a 10-year period,” said Satchkov. “We show them how they can do this by simply switching from high-cost investment funds to lower-cost alternatives.”
The big-data algorithm finds funds in the provider list that could be used to replace incumbent funds, based on the following criteria:
- High similarity based on history of returns
- High similarity based on underlying holdings of funds, applying a multi-factor model
- Less expensive
- Higher quality / better track-record
Larkspur Data has been the leader in qualified plan market-intelligence for over 20 years. “Planisphere is our searchable, online database of more than a million qualified plans,” said Morris. “It’s a tool that was designed to assist advisors in every step of the sales process. With the RiXtrema integration, users can quickly create the Fiduciary Optimizer report on any plan. Not only will it to show plan sponsors the potential for savings, but it also helps ensure that they remain in compliance with ERISA regulations.”
“For months, there has been much speculation about the future of the DOL Fiduciary Rule, and the latest news is that the implementation date is June 9,” said Satchkov. “All advisors who manage retirement plan assets should be prepared to document that the portfolios they recommend are constructed in the sponsor’s best interests.”
To see how the integrated tool works, watch the webinar, or contact RiXtrema at mail@rixtrema.com.
Founded in 2010, RiXtrema is a portfolio crash-testing company that helps advisors discuss risk with clients. Long used by fund managers, pensions plans and funds of funds, RiXtrema has introduced its risk management tools to the financial advisory and broker/dealer community to help ensure that clients get the analysis and advice they need. The RiXtrema research team received the 2015 Peter L. Bernstein award, one of the most prestigious awards in finance, for its article Risk Estimation and Hedging: A Reverse Stress Testing Approach, published in The Journal of Derivatives in April 2015. RiXtrema solutions include Portfolio Crash Testing; BioniX, the first robo platform for advisors that includes sophisticated risk modeling; IRAFiduciaryOptimizer, the first quantitative DOL Fiduciary Rule Rollover solution, and the related 401(k) Fiduciary Optimizer geared for plan advisors. For more information, visit www.rixtrema.com.
Larkspur Data Resources is the nation’s leading provider of qualified plan prospecting tools to the financial services industry. They have been in business for over twenty years and currently work at on the home office level with over 80% of the country’s top service providers. Larkspur Data Resources provides searchable databases of detailed information and analytics on nearly one million employee benefit plans nationwide. Their services range from tools to assist financial advisors with research and prospecting, identifying fiduciary liability issues, tracking market demographics plus coaching and training. To date, Larkspur Data Resources has helped tens of thousands of financial advisors, insurance agents and wholesalers close billions of dollars in new business. For more information, visit www.larkspurdata.com.
Leslie Swid
Impact Communications
Source: RiXtrema