Rising Demands For Internal SEO Taining In MNCs - The SEO Workshop For PTC China

SEO is a long-term work which requires more and more timely interaction with other marketing activities. Therefore SEO maintenance will need to be transferred from external SEO companies to the internal marketing departments.

effective world Shanghai has already been responsible for the search engine marketing of PTC (Parameter Technology Corporation) China for the past one year.

Earlier this year, the American headquarters of PTC relaunched the new PTC international website. An appointed American-based company had gone through basic on-site SEO for almost all languages and countries pages systematically. The subsequent regular maintenance work was handed over to the respective PTC regional marketing team. Undoubtedly that was a big challenge to the staff that had never done SEO work by themselves, or even heard of it.

Based on the trust generated through long term cooperation, effective world Shanghai was commissioned by PTC, to provide a one-day intensive SEO training for their ten marketing staff in Great China region (including Hong Kong) on the 27th June 2011. Mr. Hermann Bareis was invited to undertake this SEO training. He taught the PTC marketing staff on-site SEO basic skills, tips for off-site SEO through multi-channel approach, and the way to select and use proper SEO tools. Apart from that, he also shared with them on how to analyze the first search page and suggestions for improving web friendliness.

After just one day of training, effective world Shanghai received many positive responses from the client. With time, the staff from PTC will be able to understand more about SEO as they carry out the actual work. After all, SEO is not paper work. Therefore, effective world Shanghai will offer PTC the SEO hotline counseling service in the upcoming months, to help our client successfully apply the knowledge gained from the training and smoothly go through the transition period.

An internal SEO training like this will certainly be a trend, especially for MNCs (Multinational Companies). Such companies usually have their websites entirely managed by an IT department in the headquarters. It is almost impossible to distribute the SEO work to external local SEO companies. Meanwhile, SEO is a long-term work which requires more and more timely interaction with other marketing activities. Therefore SEO maintenance will need to be transferred from external SEO companies to the internal marketing departments.

With ten years experience of international multi-channels online marketing, effective world gives conventional SEO work more fresh ideas, concepts and vitality. In addition to this SEO training for PTC Great China, effective world Germany and effective world Singapore have also completed four other SEO training projects or workshops, namely for BOTT international, Quadrant group of companies, Faro Europe and Faro Asia Pacific.


About effective world (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

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