Rhythm Events, Inc. Maintains Cohesive Team Culture

Company leaders at Rhythm Events, Inc. have worked to uphold an empowering team atmosphere. The firm's director of operations detailed how giving back and social events bring her team together.

“Here at Rhythm Events, Inc., we understand how crucial it is to keep team members engaged and unified toward common goals,” stated Stephanie, the firm’s director of operations. “We have cultivated a work environment built on collaborative creativity. Specific steps are required to maintain it.”

One thing Stephanie believes is needed for a strong team culture is a focus on clearly defined roles. She also thinks it’s necessary to make these roles interconnected and fill them with people who bring complementary skills to the table. “You must assemble a group of top performers who make each other better,” she said. “That starts with setting clear expectations and outlining responsibilities during the hiring process. When you recruit with cultural fit in mind, you set your company up for success.”

"You must assemble a group of top performers who make each other better,"

Stephanie, Director of Operations

The director also believes in celebrating achievement, which boosts team-building efforts. “I always look forward to highlighting our team’s victories,” she said. “It’s important to take a step back from time to time to appreciate what we have been able to accomplish. I encourage our associates to think about what they have learned and how they can apply those lessons to future projects. It’s a great way for us to share our wins while we continue our education.”

Rhythm Events, Inc.’s Encourages Team Building while Giving Back and Attending Social Events

Company leaders don’t limit their team-strengthening efforts to the workplace. “We organize a healthy array of events and activities to bring our people closer together,” Stephanie added. “The Rhythm Events, Inc. crew takes part in everything from bowling nights to giving back to our community. We also have team dinners at our favorite local restaurants. There is never a dull moment when our high achievers get together.”

The holiday season also offers some unique opportunities for the Rhythm Events, Inc. team to strengthen their relationships. “Along with enjoying each other’s company and wishing each other tidings of the season, we have the opportunity to give back to the community around us,” stated Stephanie. Rhythm Events, Inc. gave some holiday cheer to the Lansing community. “During the month of December our team has donated over $150 in canned food to local food shelters!”

“We understand the importance of giving back, especially in the holiday season! We wish all the happiest and safest of holidays,” concluded Stephanie.

About Rhythm Events, Inc.

Rhythm Events, Inc.’s specialty is in the planning and deployment of unique sales promotions that lead to enduring and measurable growth. With skilled research and analysis, Rhythm Events, Inc.’s branding specialists build dynamic campaigns that intrigue the public and keep buyers returning for more. Their approach always leads to boosts in revenue. The firm’s success in the field has led to fast expansion, and it now serves a diverse portfolio of businesses. To learn more about how these experts generate impressive bottom-line results for the products they represent, visit rhythmeventsinc.com.