Rhythm Events, Inc. Expands to New Market, Grows Team in Response

According to Stephanie, the company's director of operations, Rhythm Events, Inc. has expanded to a new market. She also indicated they are currently hiring new team members to fill a number of positions.

The team at Rhythm Events, Inc. has achieved a lot of success recently. As such, demand for their services has increased exponentially. This has driven the decision by the firm’s management team to expand to a new market. Stephanie stated that she is extremely excited to see what her team can achieve in this new territory.

“My team members consistently impressed me with their hard work and drive,” she said. “I believe they can accomplish anything with which they are charged, and I am looking forward to this new market expansion because I know it will be a huge success.”

"The job market for fledgling professionals in Michigan is growing, so we are building our partnerships with universities to attract more young people.

Stephanie, Director

She indicated that Michigan’s booming economy has also been a major factor behind the decision to move into a new demographic. While it was hurt badly during the recession, the state has been experiencing a significant upswing in growth and promise in recent years. This is partly caused by the low price of gasoline, making SUVs more popular again and increasing consumer spending.

“Even Detroit is starting to really attract attention from investors,” Stephanie added. “The recent resolution of its bankruptcy means that there is a plan in place to overhaul the city. All this growth means that it’s an ideal time for a market expansion for Rhythm Events, Inc. All of these growing businesses need help attracting and retaining new customers!”

Rhythm Events, Inc.’s Director Announces Recruitment

Stephanie announced that she and her colleagues have been adding several new people to the Rhythm Events, Inc. team. This is necessary to help manage the market expansion.

“We have primarily been targeting young people, especially recent college graduates,” she added. “The job market for fledgling professionals in Michigan is growing, so we are building our partnerships with universities to attract more young people. They have a lot to offer us in terms of energy and creativity, so we are getting more aggressive in our recruitment.”

According to Stephanie, experience and skillset are not major factors for hiring decisions. The firm offers an innovative training program that has repeatedly prepared professionals for success in the marketing industry. “I strongly encourage anyone who is interested to reach out to us via our website. We are willing to help a broad range of enthusiastic professionals get their starts.”

About Rhythm Events, Inc.

Rhythm Events, Inc.’s specialty is in the planning and deployment of unique sales promotions that lead to enduring and measurable growth. With skilled research and analysis, Rhythm Events, Inc.’s branding specialists build dynamic campaigns that intrigue the public and keep buyers returning for more. Their approach always leads to boosts in revenue. The firm’s success in the field has led to fast expansion, and it now serves a diverse portfolio of businesses. To learn more about how these experts generate impressive bottom-line results for the products they represent, visit rhythmeventsinc.com.