Rhythm Events, Inc. Announces Career Opportunities

Due to an increase in demand for the company's unique marketing services, Rhythm Events, Inc. is expanding. The firm's Director discussed the qualities she looks for in an ideal candidate and specific roles.

“This is a very exciting time for someone to join the Rhythm Events, Inc. organization,” declared Stephanie, the Director of Operations. “Demand for our services is growing like never before, and we are creating new divisions to continue providing the high level of quality that both brands and customers alike have come to expect from us.”

Everyone who joins Rhythm Events, Inc. starts in an entry-level position so they can learn all facets of the organization as they work their way toward leadership. Which, Stephanie is quick to point out, is the ultimate goal of every position: all roles have a clearly defined trajectory toward upper management attached to them that reflects the professional goals of the people who fill them.

"Staff development is a very important part of our culture, and when we bring someone on board we help them define their professional targets and then aim for them. As they grow, we grow,"

Stephanie , Director of Operations

“Staff development is a very important part of our culture, and when we bring someone on board we help them define their professional targets and then aim for them. As they grow, we grow,” Stephanie asserted. “So while some might be turned off by the idea of starting in an entry-level position, they shouldn’t be. Instead, they should look at it as an opportunity to impress everyone with their meteoric rise to the top!”

Other compelling reasons to join the Rhythm Events, Inc. team include the positive office culture, a supportive team environment, and several travel opportunities for qualifying associates. Recent trips include Washington D.C., Dallas, and several destinations in Michigan, including Mount Pleasant. More travelling is planned for the rest of the year too, including a major rest and relaxation retreat at an exotic locale.

In explaining what she looks for in a candidate, one of Stephanie’s first descriptions was a recent college graduate. “I’ve heard that millennials have a bad reputation, but that hasn’t been my experience at all,” Stephanie shared. “We work closely with MSU, Central Michigan, UofM, Western Michigan, Jackson College, and Grand Valley State because of how much we enjoy the enthusiasm and fresh perspectives recent grads bring. Their knowledge of technology is always cutting-edge, and since they just graduated they’re usually still in learning mode – which is exactly the mind-set a successful associate needs. At the rate our company is growing, an open mind is an absolute must for all of us.”

Positions Available at Rhythm Events, Inc.

According to Stephanie, one of the most vital Rhythm Events, Inc. roles she is looking to fill is the marketing assistant. This person impacts sales by developing, supporting, and completing field marketing and segment activities. They are a part of both the planning and execution of individual campaigns, and work closely with marketing managers to determine appropriate programs and strategies for various market segments. They also help with coordination, management, and publicity for individual events to ensure that the intended audience is reached.

There are also opportunities for those who enjoy sales and customer service. As a sales and customer service rep, one is expected to absorb the information from specific brand portfolios and use this data to schedule promotions, prepare necessary marketing materials for the event, interact with fellow promoters, and manage Rhythm Events, Inc.’s relationship with each brand. “This is great for someone who wants to gain responsibility quickly, because this is where team leaders are found. Working with us isn’t for just anyone, but the right people will love it here. I encourage young professionals especially to check out our website.”

About Rhythm Events, Inc.

Rhythm Events, Inc.’s specialty is in the planning and deployment of unique sales promotions that lead to enduring and measurable growth. With skilled research and analysis, Rhythm Events, Inc.’s branding specialists build dynamic campaigns that intrigue the public and keep buyers returning for more. Their approach always leads to boosts in revenue. The firm’s success in the field has led to fast expansion, and it now serves a diverse portfolio of businesses. To learn more about how these experts generate impressive bottom-line results for the products they represent, visit rhythmeventsinc.com.

Source: Rhythm Events, Inc.