Reminiscence @ Surya Palace

Suryapalace Hotel located at Sajigunj Vadodara Guj. India, Surya Palace Hotel, a Luxury Business Hotel in Vadodara, provides accommodation for all travelers. It offers Deluxe, Club, Premier Club and Suite rooms blending classic comfort with modern

There is something magical about Diwali. No matter which part of India one is in or one is from, Diwali is that time of the year people associate with everything colorful, delicious and nice. It is a time when families come together to celebrate, all misgivings forgiven and forgotten, albeit for a short span of time. It is a time when even weight watchers, people who are extremely calorie conscious, give into the festive urge of aromatic delights and indulge into the deliciousness of Indian sweets and hordes of fried goodies which is pretty much a hallmark for all festivals.

The only motive during Diwali for all is to greet the first rays of the sun, that shimmering hazy hue of pink that burst through the darkness of the night sky, with the noisy abandon and the colorful recklessness of the fire crackers. Diwali embodies all this. It is much more than just a festival. It is an entity that springs to life; it spreads cheer and goodwill and re-establishes the strength of good over evil. The only lights seen during Diwali are the sparkling lights from the oil lamps, candles, or the diyas. There is something intrinsically magical about the smell of the wicks burning, spreading light and warmth, and the oil providing the diyas with that mystic encouragement and fuel for it to burn. It is a riot of colors, of sounds, of festivities, of guests, of goodwill, and of hearts brimming with cheer and optimism.

It is always an unremitting endeavor of Surya Palace hotel, Vadodara to meet the exceeding expectations of our valued guests. We strive to serve our guests with best hospitality. This Diwali was one of those most cherished moments captured in the book of memory, which has left footprints forever. The musical ghazal evening, the grand buffet menu, the decorated ambiance, and the unenduring association would have been a farfetched dream without the love and support from all our guests. The smiles and giggles of the children, the never ending chirp of the elders and the soothing music had set the Diwali mood high. Holding your hand we want to traverse the path for many more years to come spreading smiles and happiness galore.

This Diwali, hope you watched your children giggle with unabashed glee as they lit firecrackers, hope you watched the faces of your children illuminated and bathed in the purest of lights emanating from the arc of the flames in the diyas they lit, hope you felt the serenity and the strength of the festival seep into you as you revelled in good wishes from family, friends and Surya Palace, Vadodara. That little arc of light illuminates the mind, paving the path towards mending and growth.

Diwali is all about prayers, of rejuvenation, of new beginnings. Surya Palace hotel, Vadodara prays for each one and wishes all a prosperous and healthy new year ahead. May these pictures of festivity, goodwill, happiness, joy, and love captured in the frame of your mind at Surya Palace be yours forever.

About Suryapalace Hotel Vadodara India

Suryapalace Hotel Vadodara India
Vadodara Gujarat India,
