Relentless Events, Inc. Understands the Value of Team Travel

The director of operations at Relentless Events, Inc. outlined the benefits of traveling to industry events. He also discussed the many types of business trips his team members enjoy.

  ​Company leaders at Relentless Events, Inc. recognize that getting away from the office provides a range of advantages for professionals. “We send our associates to industry gatherings because we know they will gain valuable knowledge,” stated Jean Carlos, the firm’s director of operations. “Not only do they get to talk shop with other dynamic performers, but they have the chance to learn unique insights from influential leaders.”

Along with the potential to learn and be inspired by top industry figures, the Relentless Events, Inc. team also leverages the networking potential offered by business travel. The director explained, “It’s rare to have so many talented and dedicated people in one place, but industry events make it happen. Our people come in contact with leaders and innovative marketing specialists when they attend conferences. They always come back to the office with a list of contacts that might present incredible opportunities for our firm.”

"Our team members have many chances to get out and expand their horizons,"

Jean Carlos, Director of Operations

Relentless Events, Inc.’s team members also share what they learn at industry happenings. They don’t just gain unique insights and keep them to themselves; they use social media and other avenues to communicate with others back at the office. Some of the firm’s top performers even take part in tweeting and live blogging from crowded event halls, offering everyone a glimpse of what’s going on in real time.

Relentless Events, Inc.’s Director Outlines Travel Opportunities

“Our team members have many chances to get out and expand their horizons,” Jean Carlos remarked. “We are always looking for the best conferences and seminars to attend, so we investigate all our options thoroughly. Some have become routine, such as the quarterly leadership conferences that consistently offer compelling addresses and workshops.”

Some trips take place in more informal settings with a focus on rest and relaxation. “Those excursions are organized as incentives,” the director added. “It’s fun to watch our people get their competitive juices flowing after we announce an upcoming retreat to an exotic locale. What’s even better is when I get to reveal who will be attending one of these events, because it’s like winning the lottery. These trips aren’t all fun and games, of course, because you will be connecting with other industry leaders while you are checking out beaches, restaurants, and museums.”

About Relentless Events, Inc.

Relentless Events, Inc. is a growth-oriented marketing and consulting services firm. The company’s brand ambassadors use a unique and innovative form of outreach that engages consumers with represented brands by infusing campaigns with personality and energy. This has consistently delivered superior results compared to more conventional forms of advertising. Relentless Events, Inc.’s consistent track record of success has earned the firm a large portfolio of businesses, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies. A focus on excellence and teamwork has enabled the incredible success of this progressive firm. To learn more about how they help products grow their market share, visit