Relentless Events, Inc. Team Builds Skills at Conference

Relentless Events, Inc.'s director of operations detailed a recent leadership conference and the benefits of attending such events. He also offered tips for making the most of an industry gathering.

A contingent of top performers from Relentless Events, Inc. recently attended a rewarding leadership conference. Company leaders were excited to watch their team members apply what they learned at the event so they can continue to improve on a daily basis. “There is so much to be gained from going to a big industry event,” said Jean Carlos, the firm’s director of operations. “Our people came back to the office with an assortment of valuable insights and new contacts.”

The educational benefits of attending conferences are considerable. The director stated, “There is no other place where you can interact with skilled performers from across the country. Our team members were able to discuss the latest research methods and customer service techniques, and I can’t wait to watch them use what they learned. I’m sure that Relentless Events, Inc. will reap great rewards from the tricks they picked up, and the brands that we promote are sure to grow as well.”

"There is so much to be gained from going to a big industry event,"

Jean Carlos, Director of Operations

Conferences also provide incredible potential for making new contacts. “We took advantage of the networking opportunities at the event,” Jean Carlos added. “Our people are very good at making strong first impressions. I am confident that the connections they made will pay off in the near future.”

Relentless Events, Inc.’s Director Offers Tips for Optimizing Industry Gatherings

 Jean Carlos and the Relentless Events, Inc. executive team believe in the wide-ranging value of attending industry conferences. The director is careful to remind his team members of a few strategies to make the most of every big event.

One thing Jean Carlos tells his people is to be prepared and to do their homework before leaving for a conference. He commented, “You have to know who is going to be in attendance and where the sessions that you are most interested in will be held. The last thing you want to do is miss out on valuable information or lose the chance to connect with someone who you admire.”

The director also cautions his team members against trying to do too much during a conference. “It’s easy to think that you are going to be able to make 20 new contacts and attend every single session of interest,” he concluded. “Realistically, you can’t be in several places at once, and you won’t make much of an impression on anyone if you are racing around the room. It’s much better to focus your efforts carefully and strategically.”

 About Relentless Events, Inc.

Relentless Events, Inc. is a growth-oriented marketing and consulting services firm. The company’s brand ambassadors use a unique and innovative form of outreach that engages consumers with represented brands by infusing campaigns with personality and energy. This has consistently delivered superior results compared to more conventional forms of advertising. Relentless Events, Inc.’s consistent track record of success has earned the firm a large portfolio of businesses, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies. A focus on excellence and teamwork has enabled the incredible success of this progressive firm. To learn more about how they help products grow their market share, visit