Redcard Football Club Launching New Elite Apparel for Soccer Community
Online, October 13, 2009 ( - The GOAL is to create unique designs and apparel that will SCORE a spot in your new wardrobe. They are starting out with a core line of 8 to 10 shirt designs. Moving forward they plan on creating many NEW designs for shirts and other apparel.
There website will have many features that you as a customer can use as a core resource for your soccer information and needs. They plan on having this completely available by early 2010. Examples include links to additional information on different soccer websites, along with information on the Big Event in 2010 the prestigious World Cup. A video section has been added to the website which has GREAT video clips on Red Card tackles. A forum is also available so you can post and tell the world what you think. There will have contests from time to time on different subjects and the best blog will win one of their elite shirts! To keep customers updated on the soccer world, a newsletter will be called RC NEWSLETTER.
There is excitement about the future of Redcard Football Club and giving the soccer community unique and fashionable apparel. Please visit to get your new apparel and to start using Redcard Football Club as your core resource for your soccer needs.