Red Note Ensemble's Electric Noisy Nights

Once again Scotland's most inimitable contemporary music ensemble Red Note ( ), take to the stage on 6th June with their unique brand of music and best of all it's free!

Noisy Nights is a fun evening of fresh new music from around the world featuring some of the best musicians in Scotland.

Taking place in the bar of Edinburgh's Traverse Theatre, Noisy Nights is a place to meet music-lovers, curious minds, musicians, composers and artists and listen to some of the best examples of brand new music whilst enjoying a cold beer.

Noisy Night 14 will feature the Electric Guitar, Electric Violin and Electric 'Cello, new music submitted by composers from around the world, responding to Red Note's Call for Scores, a couple of very old Scottish premieres, and the winner of the night's 10-minute Composing Challenge.

Dedicated to developing and performing interesting and significant contemporary music, co-directors John Harris and Robert Irvine created The 10 Minute Composing Challenge. During the 10 minute interval, the ensemble hand out manuscript papers for the audience to write their own piece of music. At the end of interval the best score is selected then performed.

John Harris, co-artistic director of Red Note, said: "Noisy Nights goes Electric! Red Note's highly popular eclectic and free new music nights is wired for sound this June. First introduced back in the 1920's by jazz and blues artist Stuff Smith, the electric violin will be joined by the electric guitar and electric 'cello for an evening of contemporary sounds that will resonate with Edinburgh's music lovers."

Noisy Nights is the contemporary musical equivalent of an open mic night and focuses on people getting their music heard without any pressure and promises to be an instrumental, informal evening of beer and electro-acoustic beats.


Event Date and booking details:

Monday 6th June 2011, 8pm, FREE
Traverse Theatre
Cambridge Street
Phone: 0131 228 1404

Notes to Editors

Red Note Ensemble Ltd is a Scottish-based professional music ensemble, dedicated to developing and performing contemporary music to the highest standards, and taking the music out to audiences around and beyond Scotland.

Founded in 2008 by Scottish cellist Robert Irvine (Artistic Director) and co-directed by John Harris (Chief Executive) they perform the established classics of contemporary music; commission new music; develop the work of new and emerging composers from around the world; and work hard in new spaces to find new audiences. Their performing ensemble is drawn from the deep talent pool of Scottish new music expertise and count amongst the players some of the very finest performers working in the UK today.

Red Note made its debut in May 2008 with a recording of Eddie McGuire's Carrochan suite for Delphian records, and since then the ensemble has rapidly gained profile and support. They aim to tour Scotland twice each year, in the spring and autumn, and run a regular new music series showcasing the work of new composers (Noisy Nights and What Happened) bi-monthly in Edinburgh and Glasgow. They also work to develop the work of new composers, particularly at Glasgow University and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.

The ensemble for Noisy Nights 14 will be:

Electric Violin: Tony Moffat
Electric Cello: Su-A Lee
Electric Guitar: Malcolm MacFarlane

Web addresses:

For additional press details or images please contact:
Vicky Pitchers
07973 304286