RecipeLion's Mother's Day eCookbook Provides Recipes to Celebrate Mom

This collection of 26 terrific Mother's Day recipes includes breakfast and brunch recipes, Mother's Day dinner recipe ideas, dessert recipes, and more.

May 3, 2010 - Northbrook, Illinois - Mother's Day is coming! This big day is May 9, 2010 and it is a holiday dedicated to celebrating moms throughout the world. Don't just tell your mom you love her, show her by making recipes from this eCookbook, Celebrate Mom: 26 Terrific Mother's Day Recipes.

We all celebrate Mother's Day, but have we really thought about how it got started? According to, during the 17th century, Mothering Sunday was a holiday that featured the reunion of mothers and their children, separated when working class families had to send off their young children to be employed as house servants. In 1912, Anna Reeves Jarvis adopted an official Mother's Day and two years later, it was nationally established by Congress. Let your mom know how important she is to you by making Sunday brunch (or lunch or dinner!) for her with the recipes in this eCookbook.

The Editors of have compiled a free Mother's Day recipe eCookbook, Celebrate Mom: 26 Terrific Mother's Day Recipes. This 56-page eCookbook showcases a variety of recipes including everything from breakfast and brunch recipes, frittata, lunch and dinner, and desserts. The Celebrate Mom: 26 Terrific Mother's Day Recipes eCookbook is available for free download at

For additional information on Mother's Day recipes or's free eCookbook, please contact Editor, Nicole Radtke.

Nicole Radtke, Editor

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