Recfluence Launch - Portal to Offer Access of Reviews and Complete Functionality to Users

• Agencies' Reviews to be made public • Complete Functionality for users • Critical Reviewing of Agencies to start
  • Agencies' Reviews to be made public
  • Complete Functionality for users
  • Critical Reviewing of Agencies to start

Recfluence, the rating platform for recruitment agencies, has finally released all reviews on its site to the public. Since its launch at the end of 2015, Recfluence had made the decision not to publish any reviews immediately in order to vet the quality and legitimacy of the reviews. They have now launched with over 1000 reviews.

How recruitment agencies respond to the feedback they have received remains to be seen. One Agent, who didn't wish to be named, told us that they had been eagerly waiting for the launch of the site to discover their own rating. However, they sounded a warning that "Whilst the independent nature of the site will hopefully give us an accurate picture of how well we are performing and being perceived by the job hunters we serve, we are a little nervous and could be on a hiding to nothing simply because of the volumes of candidates we deal with."

Many hiring agencies will now look to capitalize on the positive reviews they have received. However, more interesting will be the reaction of agencies who have received negative feedback. The Founders hope they will use the platform to identify how to improve the service they provide job hunters with.

One candidate who had left a review previously was clearly eager to see whether his experience with recruitment agencies was mirrored with the experience of others using the same agencies or consultants. "I had left my review a few weeks ago but sadly could not see if my experience was a one-off or a regular experience amongst other candidates. I've come across several recruiters who always try to get away with false promises and poor wages. Hopefully, our reviews will bring that to an end" he was quoted as saying.

While everyone seems interested in the launch, each has their own reasons for being interested. As of now, the question that remains is who is going to please and who is going to be disappointed? The litmus test for recruitment agents seems to have arrived.

Danny Wu, Founder
+44 (0) 7915668164
Recfluence Ltd.
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU