Rebecca Hall Gruyter's Third "Money Summit" Happens September 24-26, 2015

The second The Money Summit: Make the Money Connection, created by Rebecca Hall Gruyter, founder of Your Purpose Driven Practice, is an intensive three-day workshop occurring September 24-26, 2015 in the East Bay, California.

Back by popular demand, Rebecca Hall Gruyter has added a second The Money Summit: Make the Money Connection, an intensive three-day workshop, coming September 24-26 to the East Bay to help attendees turn around their concerns about money and rewrite their financial destiny in a safe environment without using confusing terms and complex math.  In this program, Rebecca will guide participants through a proven, step-by-step system that transforms people’s ability to attract money and build the life of their dreams.

Here’s just part of what participants are going to get:

  • How to balance their current and future money needs
  • How to get themselves and money on the same page
  • Discover practical strategies that make it easy to work with money
  • Learn some startling money myths and truths
  • Experience a complete ‘money makeover’
  • Create a plan that leads them to true financial freedom
  • Discover a simple path to budget for success

To learn how to gain a free 45-minute coaching session with Rebecca and to take advantage of the Early Bird registration price, or for additional event details, contact Rebecca Hall Gruyter at (925) 787-1572 or  or

About Rebecca Hall Gruyter

Rebecca Hall Gruyter is the founder/Owner of Your Purpose Driven Practice, Creator of the Women’s Empowerment Series, Best Selling Author, Talk Radio Show Host on the Empowerment Channel of VoiceAmerica, and Owner of a successful private practice. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business, Strategic Management Concentration, and a strong background in corporate and entrepreneurial circles as an in-demand consultant, motivational speaker, community leader, and coach. Rebecca is committed to helping people line up their business and life with themselves, their core values, and their passions so that they can impact the world in the unique and wonderful way in which they are gifted.

Rebecca is a frequent guest expert on success panels, live stages, radio, summits, and television. With over 14 years working in the financial industry with businesses, individuals, and organizations and over 3 years working in the coaching industry, she is committed to empowering others. Rebecca is the creator of the Speaker Talent Search, Rebecca’s Money Summit™, Step Into Leadership™, Offers That Serve™, and Your Success Formula™. She has received the Circle of Champions, Circle of Excellence, Notable Networker, and Client Coach of the Year awards for her transformational work in the coaching, speaking and financial industries.

Rebecca is a heartfelt, powerful speaker who engages her audience in a fun, informative and interactive manner. She has the ability to create a safe space for those attending her programs to allow transformation take place. Rebecca wants to help people be seen, heard, and shine!

What People Are Saying:

“Rebecca’s events are packed with tons of fun, networking and sneaky surprises.  She attracts a great group of heart-centered women and a few savvy men.  The main takeaway for me was to add more fun back into my life and my business.”

~Katrina Sawa, The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach