RealtyProfits Offers Accredited Investors an Innovative Platform to Invest in the Real Estate Sector

New Investment Product RealtyProfits IV Offers 12 Percent Annual Preferred Return

​​RealtyProfits ( announces today an exciting and innovative investment opportunity, RealtyProfits IV, with a Preferred Return of 12 percent per annum, available exclusively to accredited high net-worth individuals and institutional investors. The private preferred equity securities, available for purchase at, are being offered through WealthForge Securities, LLC, a registered broker/dealer and member of FINRA/SIPC.

The geographically diversified portfolio includes properties in 700 cities coast to coast, with a current estimated value of $1.73 billion and more than $700 million of equity in more than 5,900 portfolio properties. The properties include primarily single-family homes and condominiums ranging in value from $100,000 to more than $2,500,000.

RealtyProfits IV offers high net worth individual and institutional accredited investors an alternative real estate investment opportunity that is easy to understand, and easy to invest.

Thomas Brown , President, RealtyProfits

Accredited investors can start investing with as little as $20,000. RealtyProfits IV offers monthly cash distributions. Preferred equity investors receive all distributions made by RealtyProfits IV until fully repaid. The Preferred Return is 12 percent per annum, with initial monthly Base Preferred Return payments at 6 percent per annum anticipated depending on cash flow during each of the first 24 months.

“RealtyProfits IV offers high net worth individual and institutional accredited investors an alternative real estate investment opportunity that is easy to understand, and easy to invest,” said Thomas Brown, President of RealtyProfits.

Brown added, “We believe online Real Estate Investing is the future — with the potential to more easily introduce both high net worth individuals and institutional accredited investors to RealtyProfits, where they can both enhance their potential income opportunity and diversify their portfolio by investing in ours.”

Traditional real estate investments encompass the acquisition and development of new construction, or the purchase and management of existing properties, which thereafter require continuous day to day oversight, including financing, insuring, marketing, renting and maintenance, over a period of many years. Alternatively, RealtyProfits acquires by contract a percentage of the future sale proceeds of residential properties across the United States, which RealtyProfits believes is a much simpler and more predictable method of generating real estate profits, or, RealtyProfits. Preferred equity securities available on the RealtyProfits platform offer alternative real estate investment opportunities with risk-adjusted returns for accredited investors.

Some additional benefits of investing with RealtyProfits include:

* There are no fees to anyone for registering or reviewing information. Once registered, there are no fees associated with investing or maintaining an investment in an offering available on the RealtyProfits platform. And investors are not required to provide any capital beyond their initial investment.

The RealtyProfits Online Platform provides secure encrypted 24/7 access via smartphones, tablets, desktops and laptop computers.

* Interested accredited investors can easily register through the website at Qualified investors will have an opportunity to invest in an exclusive proprietary offering. At, accredited investors may learn about the RealtyProfits IV preferred equity investment opportunity available, the assets, locations, and return objectives.

RealtyProfits is a proprietary, advanced technology online investment platform, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of a Delaware limited liability company founded in 2006 and multi-state licensed. Its senior management team possesses many decades of extensive expertise in real estate investments, as well as finance, banking and technology.

RealtyProfits IV preferred equity securities offering available for purchase at will be conducted pursuant to Rule 506(c) of Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, which permits general solicitation and advertising of the offering. The securities are offered through Wealthforge Securities, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA/SIPC. Wealthforge Securities, LLC provides compliance and regulatory oversight for RealtyProfits securities offerings. RealtyProfits IV LLC and WealthForge Securities, LLC are separate entities.

For more information go to or call 415-851-6100. The website includes an in-depth question and answer section.

This is not an offer to purchase securities. Prospective investors should read the Private Placement Memorandum. Private security transactions involve a high degree of risk. They are illiquid, may have a long hold period, and may result in the loss of invested principal. Returns are not guaranteed and may be lower than anticipated. During the first 24 months following the initial closing of the offering, absent sufficient cash flow from the portfolio properties, RealtyProfits IV’s parent company, in its sole discretion, may use its own funds to make payments to RealtyProfits IV so that it may pay the Base Preferred Return to investors. Past performance does not guarantee future results. RealtyProfits IV LLC and its affiliates are heavily dependent on the residential real estate market and a reduction in home values or home sales activity could be harmful. Historical median homeownership in the United States provides no guarantee of future median homeownership in the United States. Residential real estate tends to experience adverse financial results during general economic downturns. Only verified accredited investors may invest.


Bob Newman (617-952-1470)

Source: RealtyProfits

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