Reality TV Personality David Good Releases New Book,

Winner of ABC's 'Bachelor Pad' and 'The Bachelorette' Fan Favorite Says Intention Is To Empower Women Through An Understanding of 'Men's Men'

Reality TV personality David Good got a second chance on ABC's 'Bachelor Pad'. He's hoping the world gives him a first chance as an author, as today he announces the release of his first book, The Man Code: A Woman's Guide To Cracking The Tough Guy. (The book is available exclusively on Good's website,

Good believes that as unlikely a messenger as he may seem, his goal with The Man Code is to empower women, and to help them understand that they are their most attractive when they are strong, intelligent and motivated.

"I realize that on television I may not have come off as the authorly, sensitive type," says Good, who two months ago won $125,000 when he was co-winner on ABC's hit-show 'Bachelor Pad' (watched by some 15 million North American viewers weekly). "I think people will be surprised, I really do. I don't blame them for thinking of me as kind of a rough, tough guy. But I've had a unique life, and the past two years have given me an especially keen understanding of the male-female dynamic."

Two summers ago, Good made his television debut on 'The Bachelorette', where after winning the first-impression rose, things quickly spiraled. He had a volatile confrontation with a male cast member, which Good justified by saying his foe had violated "Man Code." Good shares that as part of the reason for writing the book - to make amends for his behavior.

"I made it seem like the Man Code made me act the way I did," Good says. "In fact, the Code brought me back to center; made me want to make things right for my family, my friends, and the people who taught me how to be a good man in the first place. Going back on 'Bachelor Pad' - my goal was to help people, not hurt people, which is what the Code is all about. I think I did that."

Good's publisher, Scott Brown of Imagine Media, LLC, believes his exposure to the first-time author will be much like the reading public's.

"When David first approached us about writing a book on empowering women, we were reluctant. Like a lot of people who saw him on TV, he didn't strike us as the sensitive sort," Brown said. "But our conversations led us to believe that this was someone with a lot to say and who had a very unique point of view. The Man Code is not frat-house logic. It's not an over-the-top, 10-steps-to-please-your-man pop journalism. I think David has a genuine desire to foster an understanding between the sexes."

Good, 29, defines the Man Code as an unwritten code of conduct that guides the standards to which a man holds other men and himself. He believes the code represents the unspoken laws of masculinity, and it dictates the way men treat not just each other, but also the women in their lives. He writes, "Understanding the code empowers women to request and receive more from their men than was previously possible."

"I'm not a psychologist, nor am I a sociologist," Good adds. "I'm just a guy from small-town Ohio. But there is one thing on which I am an expert: guy's guys. Men's men. Hardened dudes with strong convictions and dirt under their fingernails. In other words, I've got a doctorate in Man Code."

Good grew up around his father's trucking business, and he says his parents' divorce inspired him to write the book. "I'm not trying to teach women how to land a man," he says. "I'm trying to help women who are attracted to guy's like me, who seem solid underneath but are tough to access emotionally. A little of that understanding would have helped my parents considerably."

Good understands the perception that his book The Man Code might be perceived as his squeezing the last moments out of his 15 minutes of fame. Adding, "I totally get why people would say that. But I've talked for years with my dad about writing a book like this. Television has just given me the platform to say something I've wanted to all my life."

To an extent, Good bites the hand that feeds, believing that shows like the ones on which he's appeared, undermine women by portraying them as needing to grasp madly for men who hold nothing back. "The men who ultimately prevail on dating shows are the ones who say whatever it takes to win. That might make good television, but it's not the way a real man behaves. We're economical by nature, making our words meaningful when we speak them."

In The Man Code, Good asserts that he's uniquely capable of explaining the alpha male to the fairer sex - helping decipher the difference between a "Man Code" man and a bad boy. And it is in this book that he reveals what men like him value, and uncovers the stumbling blocks they most often experience on the road to love.

About David Good

David Good is a Reality TV personality and author. His debut book The Man Code is an homage to a term he's known to have coined, but one that he has come to define and understand since childhood.

Excerpts from The Man Code can be found at Good is also allowing readers to get the first three chapters of the book free, which they can obtain by sending a request to


Publication Specifications:
The Man Code: A Woman's Guide To Cracking The Tough Guy
ISBN: 098433634-6
Retail $14.99 eBook / $22.99 Hardcover
Available at

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