Real-world Thriller Released by Noted Author Ken Anderberg

Separated since childhood, three brothers and their mother are reunited amid the chaos and danger of terrorist-haven Pakistan.

ASHEVILLE, N.C. - When international journalist Todd Walters travels to Pakistan to interview a former member of al-Qaeda, he enters a tangled conspiracy of double agents, suicide bombers and the search for al-Qaeda's new leader, Ayman al-Zawarhiri. What he isn't expecting is to be reunited with the two brothers he was separated from as a child, one now a CIA operative, or to find the mother he was taken from three decades earlier.

The tale of "Brothers Lost," a new novel from author Ken Anderberg, begins in a federal prison in Florida, and leads its main characters through Mexico, Singapore and, finally, Pakistan. "Brothers Lost" is Anderberg's fourth e-book, following the publication of "Love Letters from Mama," "Costa Rica: An Expat's Tale" and "Mother and Son."

In "Brothers Lost," Anderberg weaves a suspense-filled tale as Walters travels to Singapore and then to Islamabad, Pakistan, in search of an exclusive interview. In Pakistan, he meets Andrew Ansley, a CIA operative, who is one of the brothers he "lost" as a child.

They both are reunited with the third brother, Raymond Ansara, who has escaped a federal prison, converted to Islam and joined al-Qaeda. All three are aided by a senior female CIA operative in Islamabad - the mother who had all three men taken away from her as young children.

"We chose to use the e-book format because that is the next wave of publishing," Anderberg explains. "The e-book format provides immediacy and reach that we couldn't get with traditional print."

Anderberg is a life-long journalist who has led a number of national and regional publications. His award-winning writing has been featured in numerous publications. "Brothers Lost" can be found online at Barnes and Noble, Amazon/Kindle, Apple and Smashwords.

Ken Anderberg
Skype: kenincr
Twitter: @kenanderberg

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